3 Ways To Improve Your Position in the Job Market

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Negosentro.com | 3 Ways To Improve Your Position in the Job Market | Whether you’re trying to advance in your current company or thinking about a total career change, take a moment to consider what your ideal job looks like before launching your job search. With your dream job in mind, focus your efforts on those opportunities that fit your list of requirements. Think about the corporate culture, company size, growth potential and length of commute. Keeping all that in mind, you will be better prepared to answer interview questions, and the hiring manager will see you as someone who knows what they want and who is looking for a career, not merely a job. That will set you apart from many of the applicants right from the start.

  1. Further Your Education

If you want to advance your education, but think your full-time job will prevent you from doing it, consider the virtual classroom. You can get a certificate or degree in almost anything online these days, from copyediting to an online masters in industrial engineering. You’ll be able to take classes at night or on weekends. Some of them allow you to learn at your own pace, which adds even more flexibility to your schedule. An advanced degree can help move your resume to the top of the stack and demonstrates your desire for continued growth. Obtaining a certificate in a specialized area, or learning a new technical skill, may set you apart as a subject matter expert. Either way, presenting yourself as a lifelong learner lets the hiring manager know that you have the potential to grow within the organization.

 2. Expand Your Network

They say it’s not what you know, but who you know. Whether that’s true or not, it’s wise to develop your professional network. It may help you to learn about job opportunities before they hit the street or find a mentor to guide you as you grow. Building a network takes time and effort, but it isn’t difficult. Join related professional associations, attend their events, and track your connections on social media sites like LinkedIn. If you’re planning to change careers completely, seek out relationships with people in your new field. Ask them questions. Find out what the day to day details of the job look like, and if your potential new career is what you envision.

3.  Polish Your Resume

Your resume will likely be an employer’s first impression of you. Make it a good one. Your resume should be up to date and in a contemporary format. When detailing your work history, include accomplishments, not just a list of duties. For example, people may already know what an accounting manager does. But they want to hear that you were able to reduce the number of days it takes to collect accounts receivable or that you were able to reduce overhead costs. These are quantifiable results that directly impact profits and increase your value to the organization. Make sure to include awards, volunteer activities and professional memberships, and mention a few of your outside interests. If you feel that your resume still needs some polishing up, there are professional resume writers who can help. Finally, be sure that the final product is entirely error-free.

 In any job market, it is essential to present yourself in the best possible light. Show that you know what you’re looking for in your next career, then go after jobs that are in alignment with your goals. If you need additional training or education before making a career change, an online course can provide the necessary flexibility that allows you to continue earning a living while you study. Reach out to your professional network to see if anyone can open doors for you. Join professional associations that let your potential employer know you’re fully engaged and want to grow your career. Finally, a new company will get its first impression from your resume. Make sure that it represents you well.

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