Change the Efficacy of Your Next Email Campaign with One Simple Hack

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Source: | Digital marketing is a dynamic field. There always seems to be some new tip or trick that we learn to boost our marketing campaigns. The problem with a lot of these, though, is that they don’t seem to have staying power.

Instagram marketing might be the hot kid on the block at the moment, but how long will it stay that way? In a few months time, what new tools are we all going to be speaking about?

Keeping up with the hottest strategies can be exhausting. That’s why we’re dialling things back a little and focusing on a digital marketing tool that’s stood the test of time – email marketing.

Why Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to get your message across. Unlike social media, you don’t have to fight for your message to be seen in someone’s feed. As long as you have the right address, you know it’s going to be delivered to everyone that you intended it to be.

Of course, then there’s the whole issue of how to get them to open it. And that can be difficult in itself. Of course, there are ways to improve the chances that the mail is opened. First of all, you’ll want to get it past the email scanner that identifies potential spam. That means being very careful about your wording.

You can optimize the subject line, use a clever preview text, and a few other tips that you’ve probably heard a thousand times before.

In this post, we’re not going to go through all the tips. We want instead to focus on the one tip that is going to make the most difference – segmenting your list.

Why Segment Your List?

How many emails do you get a day? 100, 200, more perhaps? Most of us have a lot of clutter in our inboxes. How many of us have signed up for a newsletter to get a free e-book or report and then had to deal with the flood of marketing messages in our inboxes?

It’s frustrating and can be downright annoying to be bombarded with so many sales emails, isn’t it? It’s particularly annoying when none of them have offers that you’re remotely interested in. In fact, it might even be the reason that you unsubscribe, or mark the messages as spam.

If you do this as a marketer, at best, your message will be ignored; at worst, the prospect decides that your company is a spammer. Neither of these outcomes is going to result in sales, so it’s time to change the game up a little.

That’s where segmenting your list comes into play. When segmenting your list, you’re going to group like customers with similar needs together. You’ll then create a separate campaign for each group, written with that particular group’s needs in mind.

So, instead of everyone on the list receiving some generic email, they’re going to receive a message that speaks to them on a more personal level. They’ll receive offers that are relevant to them, and so they won’t seem as though you’re wasting their time.

And, naturally, because your marketing message is more targeted, there’s a much better chance that they’ll actually buy the product.

How to Segment Your List

How effectively you are able to segment your list depends on how much information you have. If you’ve built your list through an opt-in page, this might be problematic. After all, the more information you ask for on your opt-in page, the less likely people are to want to sign up.

You can get over that by sending out fun subscriber questionnaire, or poll. Here you don’t want to make the people complete an essay, but put in a few questions to get to know more about your client. Offer them another free e-book/ report to encourage them to complete the questionnaire.

Now that you know more about your clients create a set of marketing personas. These personas will each have their own needs and wants. Now segment your list according to these personas and all that’s left is to create a killer campaign for each.

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