How to cut a printed circuit board?

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Source: | How to cut a printed circuit board? | Printed Circuit Boards have brought a revolutionary change in the electrical and communication industry. Printed Cutting Boards come in numerous sizes and shapes. However, sometimes you might have to cut them to suit your requirements. 

If you have ever tried to cut these boards earlier using a PCB tool or a manual cutter you might have found the process to be clunky. But don’t worry we have got your back! In this article you will get detailed steps on how to cut a PCB board smoothly without any trouble. 


Steps to cut the PCB 

PCB consists of copper lines and glass reinforced plastic. With large pieces of PCB you can cut the board to fit your needs. The process can be broadly divided into two steps:

  • Cutting the board
  • Sanding the board


The former will require PCB cutting tools which we will discuss in the later parts of the blog. The latter step will not require any special tool, you will just need a sandpaper of 200 grits. 


Cutting the Printed Circuit Board using a tabletop paper cutter :


If you are using a tabletop paper cutter or a paper saw you should follow this step by step guide:


  • Before cutting the board you will have to make it ready for the cuts. This means that you have to wipe the board with a clean cloth or rug. This step will remove all the excess dirt and debris. 
  • Before using the paper cutter we highly recommend you to use a safety glove. It will prevent your hands from accidental cuts and keep it clean from all the mess. 
  • Raise the height of the blade and then place a paper on the surface of the paper cutter. This process will protect the boards from abrasion. 
  • You can also use a paper saw instead of a paper cutter. For this place the paper near the table saw board. 
  • Now, it’s time to place the board on the surface. Make sure that the aluminum or the copper base is facing upwards. 
  • The next step involves aligning the edge of the board with the paper saw or the paper cutter. 
  • Now forcefully stop the board from moving using one hand while using the other hand to cut the board using PCB saw or PCB cutting blade. 
  • Finally you should have the PCB of the desired size. 


Cutting the PCB using dremel

Dremel is another very popular PCB cutting tool. To cut the PCB with Dremel here are the steps that you should follow:

  • You will need a sharpie to outline the PCB. It will act as a guide when you will cut the board. 
  • Next, you will require a small saw along with Dremel. Now use the small saw to cut the slot a bit away from the Printed cutting board. This step is very similar to reversing the trace laying which can be done while isolating paths on the PCB. 
  • While you are isolating the PCB using a small saw and dremel make sure that the cuts are clean and crisp. You might also want to create a hole in the board so that you can attach wires with the board. Before cleaning the board make sure that you have made the holes if you want them. 
  • Now use a pad that is made of scratcher steel wood. Use this to remove all the burrs from the Printed Cutting Board. However, do this step very carefully. 
  • Carefully add all the parts carefully and slowly to finish off your board. 
  • Finally, you should have your Printed Cutting Board of the desired shape and size. 


Sanding the Printed Cutting Board

Whether you use a dremel or a tabletop paper cutter you will have to sand the printed cutting board. You can use a sandpaper of 200 grits. Make sure to sand the board until the edges are completely smooth. Once the edges are smooth wipe off the dirt or dust using a rag. 



Printed Cutting Boards have truly revolutionized the world with its versatility and brilliance. Cutting the PCB gives a chance of customization which adds up to its versatility. Skills to cut the printed cutting board especially comes in handy for mechanics and electricians. 

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