Senior Nutrition – How to Make Sure Your Elder Loved One Is Eating and Enjoying Healthy Meals (Infographic)

Senior Nutrition | Senior Nutrition – How to Make Sure Your Elder Loved One Is Eating and Enjoying Healthy Meals (Infographic) | Because of the advancement in medicine and nutrition, the golden years of a human being is healthier than ever. By 2030, 1 in every 5 Americans will be age 65 or older, and the average life expectancy has passed 80 years for women and 75 years for men. However, this statistic does not mean that seniors do not face health issues. 

Most seniors experience bone problems once they hit their golden years. As you age, the absorption of old bone tissue is slower than the creation of new ones. This condition can lead to osteoporosis, which affects millions of Americans yearly. More than 1.5 million fractures occur every year due to osteoporosis. 

Another essential condition that occurs in older people is the loss of vision. In many cases, older people only need to wear glasses to solve this problem. However, there are instances where macular degeneration and glaucoma can happen. Going to an optometrist is advisable for older people who are lacking their vision. 

Normal aging does affect memory, but only up to a point. Mild cognitive impairment is the medical term for age-related memory loss that’s more serious than what typically occurs with aging. People with mild cognitive impairment can often forget and find the most basic tasks challenging. They are also more prone to Alzheimer’s disease. 

Inconsistence and constipation can also occur to old people. About 26 percent of women and 16 percent of men over 65 have experienced chronic constipation. Constipation can be caused by a lack of fiber on a diet. Of course, many people look to supplements that contain a lot of fiber, such as the organic honey from Gold Bee, to help them with this issue. On the contrary, some seniors cannot control their bowels that they have to use adult diapers.

Besides osteoporosis, arthritis is a common condition that occurs to the elderly. In the United States, one out of five people experiences arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis among adults, which causes a lifetime of wear and tear on the joints — especially in the fingers, hips, knees, wrists, and spine. 

And because of the frail bones and poor eyesight, older people have a hard time balancing. According to research, 24% of people over 72 are experiencing dizziness, and about 40% of Americans will suffer from balance problems. If you feel as though the room is spinning when you’re sitting still, be sure to let your doctor know as soon as possible.

One of the deadly conditions that seniors could have is heart disease. Changes to the heart can lead to heart attack and stroke. A heart attack is one of the most incurable diseases in the world next to diabetes and cancer. Some heart attack signs include chest discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, or lightheadedness.

Blood sugar levels can also rise during this period in a person’s life. Yes, diabetes chooses no age. However, the chances of having this disease increases as you grow older. Early signs of diabetes include feelings of extreme hunger or thirst, fatigue, and a frequent need to urinate, as well as blurry eyesight. 

Older people also have weaker immune systems, which makes them prone to influenza and other common diseases. Older people might be more inclined to COVID-19. That is why it is advisable for people older than 60 to stay home and let their younger household members buy their essential goods. 

One way of making the body stronger despite old age is through nutrition. Getting the right nutrients can make these conditions preventable. A caregiver can provide the proper nutrition for you as they are hands-on in taking care of you. If you want to know how to make sure that your loved one gets the right food, you can read this Euro-American Connections and Homecare infographic.


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