Six Powerful Blogging Tools Every WordPress Blogger Should Have


Writing a blog is a lot different from writing an ordinary article. Starting a blog on WordPress may be easy but running a blog is a lot of work. Thinking of a shareable content is very challenging. Also, constantly attracting a pool of audience is much harder. So here are some helpful blogging tools to ease out the stress of WordPress blogging:

1. Buzz Sumo – This is a helpful tool for content idea generation. In blogging, content is the main course. This powerful tool provides insights into the most popular content online and the influencers sharing it. It has the following common uses: find the most shared content and influential authors, identify most shared content for a domain, view those who linked and shared an article, and many more. It is also perfect for competitor analysis.

2. Google trends-This blogging tool provide a quick read whether the chosen topics, keywords or phrases are in demand or not. It gives comparative search volumes for any given term versus its alternative allowing you to choose the right one.

3. Google Keyword Planner– This tool assists looking for popular search terms or keywords to create your content around. It provides related terms or phrases which you can sprinkle all along the whole article.

4. WordPress Distraction Free Writing Mode– This is one of blogging tools to optimize content creation process. This mode opens up a clean writing environment where you can type and think continuously without being bugged by numerous options and other elements. It hides everything that can keep your attention away from writing. It helps you focus on the subject that you are writing about.


5. Canva– is an online graphic design platform which can also be used for blogging to create amazing visuals. It offers free access to the wide assortment of design tools and options. It is convenient to navigate and use to create images. It has a drag and drop interface that adds colors to the composition. It also offers custom templates for social media channels.

6. Evernote– is an idea reservoir for regular bloggers and content creator with so many ideas on their mind but has a limited time to write down all of it. This blogging tool will help you collect your idea in one place. You can store blog post ideas, notes, websites, images so you can easily find it again when you need it.

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