Branson’s Virgin StartUp helps entrepreneurs in the UK gain momentum


by Kyla Camille, |

Virgin StartUp is the not-for-profit arm of the Virgin company that provides funding and mentoring to entrepreneurs looking to get their business started. A brainchild of the Virgn Group’s Richard Branson, it is currently open for British residents only.

They offer 3 main things:

Funding and Mentoring

A government backed start-up loan ranging from £500- £25,000 for entrepreneurs who are over the age of 18, are based in England and their business is still in its first 12 months of trading. As part of this, you get matched with your own business mentor.

Startup advice and Insights

They are building a community of people in the startup space. They offer them inspirational content from entrepreneurs who are riding the roller-coaster of running their own business. Alongside this they produce practical, how-to content that gives advice to people running or starting a business.

Startup Events

Their events are some of the best in the startup scene in the UK. They  invite the UK’s top entrepreneurs to give keynote talks followed by an electric networking session that inspires, grows and motivates businesses to succeed.

They travel the UK with these events. They’ve had Richard Reed, founder of Innocent Drinks tell entrepreneurs in Leeds how he went from an idea to a global brand, Emma Jones of Enterprise UK give practical tips to an audience in Manchester and Sir Richard Branson meet and inspire entrepreneurs in London.

Here is a video of one of their events featuring food business experts:

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