Establishing Leadership in the Workplace

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By Mary Rae Floresca | | Establishing Leadership in the Workplace | Leadership is not innate, it takes time to learn how to be a leader. That is why leadership training is very important to be able to be a good leader and helps you take your existing leaders and make them better at what they do. Just like you’d offer continued education to employees with technical skills such as accounting, you should be furthering the knowledge and skills of your executive teams and thought leaders.

1. Positive Outlook
Did you ever feel drained when you are surrounded by people that all they say are complaints? It sucks up all the positivity in your workplace, which is not helpful to achieve the goals of an organization. Be a positive influence to your coworkers, receive challenges lightly and believe there will always be a hundred more ways to solve each.

2. Be Proactive
This is like a follow-up on being positive. Being proactive is to be responsible in your choices, you look for alternatives. You should be able to know how to control a situation by knowing the possible outcomes. You anticipate the probable problems that may happen and prevent them from happening.

3. Motivate
When a leader knows how to take on challenges to himself, he also knows how to encourage his subordinates on how to take on the tasks. When they do not accept authority, lead by example as well and respect will follow.

4. Professionalism
No matter how you feel like taking things personally to get what you want, force yourself to be just professional, do your work, base your tasks by the books, do not let your emotions take over in a situation.

5. Seek help
Attend seminars and never stop learning ways how to improve your leadership. Also ask help, advises and suggestions from your supervisors, they are not perfect but there may be ways that they know it would work. Your bosses should be able to listen and guide you when needed.

Next time you step into your workplace, ask yourself what kind of leader you want to be. How do you want your subordinates to describe you, how do you want them to follow you? Eventually, you will learn your own style of leadership. And remember that you were not designated in that position if you are not capable of it, you were qualified to be a leader.

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