Job Hunting? Clean Up your Social Media Platforms

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Mary Rae Floresca |

Job hunting can be more efficient and effective when you clean up your social media platforms. Employers are no longer old school; your profile is within their fingertips before your official interview!

You may be ready with your wardrobe, your killer cover letter and Curriculum Vitae, however, employers do not only check on that. Since everything is almost searchable on the internet, it would be easy for them to look you up as well. They check your connections as well, you may be a common friend of their colleague or their manager perhaps. Now, social media, this is the new Curriculum Vitae or Biodata. So take note of the updates and cleaning up need on your social media platforms.


Write a professional summary which is located at the top of your page. It’s a short pitch that answers the employer’s question, “Will his background fit the position?” Ideally, state what you are currently up to but amplify your words by saying “Committed to be a future engineer…” rather than the generic “Currently studying Engineering at…” A social media strategy consultant Neal Schaffer advised,” “Ideally you want to … showcase your strengths and differentiate yourself in the limited [amount of space] you already have.” LinkedIn is not your blog, so your displayed photo should be professional enough to be noticed.


This is the most convenient and popular platform that is easy to look up to. Update your “About” section. Facebook may not be a professional networking site unlike LinkedIn but better to present your profile in a professional manner. Just include the basic information, the school you graduated or current job and past jobs. However, listing all jobs is not necessary. The employer may get an impression that you have a knack of hopping from one company to another.

Edit your privacy settings. You’re steering away from the vulgar or offensive posts or photos of you that your friends tag. Those are you for future posts, but what about the previous photos? Clean up your photos and status that may be offensive. All the parinig posts and rants that can be too much for self-expression. Your profile photo? You can be creative as you want. If you’re an aspiring graphic artist, how about a graphic and creative photo of yours that you edited?

Twitter, Instagram, WordPress, Tumblr

To summarize the social-media clean-up, also proofread your other social media updates. Each platform is an instrument to define your personality as an individual. Twitter can be, admit it, your most random posts on your most random moment of ranting. Delete unnecessary tweets and retweet more “professional” tweets like say, latest news? Instagram feed, a lot of netizens really work on their Instagram field. If you’re an “artsy fartsy” and vies for a creative position in a company, then make your photos do the talking. Aspiring writer, editor, content specialist?  Proofread your articles, employers can read every nitty-gritty detail that you write. Your blog is sometimes literally an open book of your ideas and what you care about. Writers includes their blogsite on their resumes, and number of followers count.

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