How to Build a Positive Online Reputation

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Online reputation can solidify the base of your business or it can ruin everything. Gone are the days when words took months to travel around. Now, one voice can create online Tsunami.

Many think that not having online reputation is a positive thing. However, this is a miss concept. Web is the first thing people will turn to when they want to find information about your brand. Imagine what they will think when they come up with no mention of your brand online. The automatic presumption will be – your organization is not authentic. Or, worse, they will think that you are hiding something.

There are many ways to enhance online reputation. It’s all about building an identity. The task might sound like a huge one. But, it’s not that difficult. You can build your online identity without much trouble using only your common sense.

Claim Your Identity

What you need to do is turn to social media. People every day using this platform to perform a lot of tasks. Without making any delay, you need to claim your profiles. Use Twitter, G+ and Facebook to create your online presence. The biggest mistake you can make is put it off for later use. Don’t do it. Push forward and create your identity.

Monitor Reviews and Comments

Most website owners think that they should do the monitoring later when the brand is growing. However, this is another mistake. Don’t allow people to bad mouth your brand. To have a positive online presence you must make some effort to monitor what people are saying about your brand from the very first day.

Whenever you find a negative comment or review, make sure to reply immediately. These issues must be addressed with proper care. Either you take quick action or your brand will get caught into the whirlpool of negative reputation which is very difficult to handle.

Create Content to Engage

Web visitors log on to Internet to gather information. To give them what they want, you need to create unique and interesting content. You must have heard the cliché that content is the king. It is true. You need to give your web readers what they are looking for. Detailed, informative content that is skillfully written, can attract a lot of traffic and help building a positive reputation for your brand too.

Consistent Updating

Create a social media and let it sit without activity. Such a presence does not help building reputation that is positive. What it will do to you is make people think your company is not in right condition. Therefore, don’t make the mistake of creating an idol social media platform. Keep updating your blog and other profiles. People want to see activity. Give them just that.

Remove Irrelevant Content

Contents should always be relevant. If the articles, blog posts or images you are putting don’t enhance your brand, there is no point in uploading in the website on the first place. Make sure to remove everything that don’t seem relevant to your brand image.

To enhance your brand reputation online, you need to have a strategy. Sometimes consulting an expert online reputation management company is the best way forward.

via Atul Chaudhary

Atul Chaudhary is the founder and director at 1Solutions, a New Delhi based web services company. He specializes in web consultancy for SME’s and Startups. He also helps business in search marketing, content marketing and social media. You can connect with him at his twitter handle @atulchaudhary

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