How to Survive a Sales Career

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Mary Rae Floresca |

Mastering your product and services and excellent customer service isn’t that simple for a salesperson. Read on for more successful tips to surviving a sales career.

1. Identify your mentor

Your mentor doesn’t always have to be your immediate supervisor. Your mentors can be your coworkers as well. Books and a lot of research could be of help too. The trick is, just collate what you learn and try everything, see what strategy and or your way of selling works for you.

2. Master you’re selling

This is very important of course, no matter how new you are in the industry of “selling.” You need to be exceptionally knowledgeable of what you are presenting to your prospect clients. Here’s a tip: Write down all the FAQs of customers and include what you think they might ask next. Answer each question on your own, practice it and eventually you will memorize the details. However, don’t get stuck on memorizing the product, inject on a bit of genuine emotion or expression. You don’t want to sound robotic in front of your customer.

3. Client’s feedbacks

For every business, this shouldn’t be missed out. Remember that your customers make your brand successful, and that you are selling your brand or service for them. Brace yourselves for a lot of negative comments and client complaints. Exercise how to deal with different kinds of customers, especially the difficult ones. Be honest without jeopardizing your company.

4. Create marketing campaigns

There’s a reason why “sales and marketing” is always in the same department in a company. Even there are officers separately designated to each department. Tie up with your marketing officers and participate in company’s brainstorming. Execute marketing campaigns and evaluate after. Learn from mistakes and reinforce successful measures. Successful sales

5. Have fun while at work

“I love my job…I love my job… I love my job” mantra has been popular since the release of the movie Devil Wears Prada. This can be a bit helpful but the best trick to survive your sales career is to LOVE YOUR CAREER. When you’re about to quit, think of the reasons why you have that job. Step out of your comfort zone and explore what you can give more to your job.

If you’re looking for a good sales career opportunity, Rainbow Philippines offers an opportunity to earn more even with just a few hours a week. Through direct selling of the Rainbow Vacuum Cleaning system, you can immediately earn Php 18,000 on your first sales. Sign up here to get more information of the Rainbow opportunity.

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