How workforce analytics can increase sales productivity

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Every business is looking for ways to help its employees get more from their hours in the office. Many businesses have had to work with tightened staff numbers and leaner business models, too.

That change in the workplace dynamics has also intersected with technological advances. There’s software now that helps employees track what they’re doing and assess what’s productive and what’s not.

That’s been a radical departure from the past, when analytics either weren’t available or weren’t used properly. Even in just the last decade, more and more employers want to look at data about people, human resources, and the workforce.

Those analytics can be put into use in a variety of ways, from the bottom of the company on up. One way is automation—giving you an easy way to figure out how machines can relieve some of the pressure from employees. As a complement to automation is scheduling: Not every employee works the same during the day and at the same levels of productivity—so not every employee should be scheduled in the same way.

That data is also crucially important for nurturing employees with potential, for figuring out why employees are leaving your company, and to create opportunities for engagement, too. For example, if you set goals for employees—return on investment, revenue growth for example—you’ll be able to measure employees against those baselines. That same data may also reveal patterns—both good and bad—that can help you adjust sales and product lines appropriately.

Businesses tend to be hamstrung by the unknown, but data equals patterns and patterns equal accountability. You’ll be able to decide what your potential is as a company and work toward that, too.

Learn more about the valuable insights of workforce analytics, and get started in your own company with this graphic.

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7 Ways Workforce Analytics Will Increase Productivity and Sales Infographic

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