Changing the Face of SEO in Minneapolis: How Google’s Algorithm Changes Directly Affect SEO

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by Derek Iwasiuk, |

The only thing that changes more than Lady Gaga’s wardrobe is Google algorithms. The most recent algorithms Panda and Penguin 4.0 have enabled Google to understand the use of keywords, the context and synonyms as well. They were both unveiled in 2016 and caused quite a ruckus among webmasters and SEO experts.

There are three things you must remember when you see a new update hurling towards you:

  1. Stay calm
  2. Wait before reacting
  3. Read about the updates and their possible impacts from credible sources only

SEO is governed by Google algorithms to a great extent. Now, you may have a small business in either of the twin citiesthat could not care less about what’s going on in the dotcom world. But since the turn of the century, buyers have been relying on online reviews and business listings (read – 92% of global customers), you are bound to care how your business shows up on the Google SRL.

When people from outside Minneapolis are looking for your website and business, they should be able to find you on the first page of Google SERP. Keeping yourself updated with algorithm changes and updates can help you make necessary adjustments to your online presence so you remain findable throughout.

You should know where to look

Well, sometimes we do feel that even Sherlock would have a tough time tracking Google’s update schedules and algorithm changes, but in reality you don’t need investigative skills to get an idea about upcoming updates. You can visit a few sites regularly for getting an idea:

  1. Moz Pro: this is one website that chronicles all the algorithm changes and updates in Google’s history. This website has an entire section dedicated to Google Algorithm updates and this includes links to their reviews, features, release dates and much more.
  2. MozCast: this is a fun and informative approach towards keeping all web users updated with possible upcoming Google Algorithm changes. Funnily enough, each page is inspired by weather forecast sites that use stormy horizons, cloudy afternoons and clear sunsets as indicators of Google’s “moods”.
  3. SEO Book: this is one of those rare websites that has the complete history of Google Algorithms, their features and necessary changes since early 2013. It has an intuitive forecasting feature which even includes a forecast for January 2017. Keep an eye on SEO Book for the latest Google updates round the corner.
  4. Rank Ranger: do you want to know what Google Algorithm looked beyond 2000? Look no further than Rank Ranger. From digital history of algorithm changes to most impactful updates till date, you can find all the necessary details on this one-stop website.

Even for small businesses it is very necessary to stay in touch with Google Algorithm changes and updates since they are directly related to Google SEO. You may not need to keep an eye out for all updates, but a few significant ones like Penguin 4.0 and Panda can change the future of your business.

Author bio: Derek Iwasiuk has rewritten the history of multiple businesses from the twin cities by optimizing their SEO. He runs his own SEO firm based in Minneapolis that caters to a wide range of innovators, businessmen and entrepreneurs. Follow him @Diwasiuk on Twitter for your daily dose of SEO update.

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