How Smart Entrepreneurs Geek Out Their Workouts


Homerun Nievera, |How Smart Entrepreneurs Geek Out Their Workouts |  You do not need to stop exercising just because you are always behind your desk. There are plenty of ways in which you can exercise at your desk to increase fitness levels and lose weight. These range from specific muscle workouts to full body exercises. Since you will be doing all these at your desk, you won’t be written up by your manager.

Quick Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises are important as they keep your heart muscles strong and reduce the risk of heart disease. For maximum benefit, supplement your aerobic gym routine with desk exercises. You could try the following tricks on a long workday.

  • Run: As it turns out, you can run while sitting. Straighten your legs and put your hands on the keyboard. Lean back until your shoulders slightly touch the back of the seat.  Then slowly lift your legs and bend your right knee while angling your left shoulder towards the knee. Exercise the other side (repeat 30 times).
  • Swim: Engage your abdomen muscles and slightly tilt back. Hang your legs over the sides of your seat and kick them in fluttering motions 30 to 50 times.

Shoulder Workouts

If you are constantly hunched over your desk, you might notice a slight pain on your shoulders. To ease this, engage in exercises that stretch your shoulder muscles. These exercises will also build your strength and add flexibility, making it easier for you to perform tasks that require heavy lifting. Simply sit up and put your feet firmly on the floor:

  • Straighten your right arm and cross it over your chest.
  • Put your left arm under it and gently hug the right arm tightly on your chest.
  • Exchange arms.
  • Gently rotate your shoulders backward (repeat 10 times).
  • Gently rotate your shoulder forward (repeat 10 times).

Exercise Your Core

If the size of your waistline annoys you, you could always exercise to shed excess fat and regain your confidence. It is an added bonus that you will be doing all these at work. This is how you could do crunch exercises at your office seat.

  • Sit at the edge of the chair.
  • Straighten your back and lean back from your waist.
  • Firmly hold the seat using both hands.
  • Lift your legs up while your knees are bent to tighten abdominal muscles (repeat five times).
  • Straighten your legs while holding your slightly raised heels (repeat five times).

Develop Stronger Leg Muscle

It is quite easy to engage in exercises that build leg muscles. Stronger legs will allow you to effortlessly engage in routine activities such as walking and running or performing more demanding work. Here a simple routine that you could do at your desk.

  • Sit up straight engaging your calf muscles; your heels should be up.
  • Lower your heels to the floor. Repeat these movements 30 times.
  • Alternatively, lift your toes off the ground and lower them 30 times.

Exercise Your Lower Back

Lower back pains are common in people who are always hunched over their desks. This is caused by regular slouching when typing or writing over the desk. You can engage in the workout below to prevent such pain.

  • Put your palms on the small of your back.
  • Push up your breastbone with the elbows pointing backward.
  • Hold the posture for 15 seconds.
  • Relax and repeat the movements two times.

Exercise for the Perfect Behind

This is a very important exercise in a booty obsessed society. Luckily, you can engage in the exercise all day long, since you are always seated at your desk anyway.  This simple routine should get you started:

  • Seat on the chair.
  • Tense and relax your backside muscles.
  • Raise yourself slightly using your tensed muscles.
  • Hold the position for five seconds
  • Repeat 30 times, twice a day.


Engaging in desk exercises is a good way to start living a healthy lifestyle. You could also exercise before or after work and regularly leave your desk to walk around. Using stairs instead of an elevator or taking a bicycle to work will also keep you in top form.

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Homerun Nievera

Homerun Nievera is the publisher of and He has interests in several tech and digital businesses as director and chief strategist.

Homerun is a digital evangelistcontent marketer and lifelong learning advocate. Homerun is the “He Said” in the popular Facebook Page He Said, She Said. Email at

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