Ways To Make Your Yard Allergy Proof

Simple Ways to Make Your Front Yard Look Better Allergy Proof Yard

If you find yourself dealing with severe allergies, it might be your yard that is causing your allergy issues to worsen. Believe it or not, but there are a lot of ways that your yard can be worsening your allergies. Below, we will be going over some of the top ways to make your yard allergy proof.

Top Ways To Make Your Yard Allergy Proof:

  1. Mow Your Lawn

One of the most important things that you are going to want to do if you want to reduce the negative effects your lawn can have on your allergies is to mow your lawn consistently. You want to trim your lawn as often as you can in order to keep flowers from being produced and pollen resulting from it. Keeping your grass short is one of the surest ways you can effectively minimize the allergy impact that your lawn can have on your allergies.

  1. Fertilize Your Lawn

Another good thing that you will be able to do to minimize the allergies that your lawn can produce is to fertilize it often. By giving your grass more fertilizer, you are going to be able to reduce the room for weeds to grow which can keep pollen from producing. By making your grass thicker, you will be able to choke out weeds from your lawn which are the worst offenders for your allergies.

  1. Don’t Do Yardwork When Pollen Is High

If you are allergic to pollen, you will want to try to do all of your yard work when the pollen count is low. You should be able to tell by looking at the weather. Along with this, you are going to want to try to work on your yard after there has been a downpour in your area. That way, you know that the pollen has been washed away for a little which can keep you from having to go through the experience of working on your yard when the pollen count is extremely high.

  1. Avoid Planting Scented Flowers

If you are allergic to pollen and other things, one of the best things that you can do to avoid having a pollen problem in your yard is to avoid planting strongly scented flowers. You want to avoid planting anything that is going to cause a build-up of pollen and/or something that can aggravate your allergies, to begin with. Thus, you should be minimizing the number of scented flowers you have in your garden and yard. Some flowers will cause you to tear up and will cause a flare up in your allergies. Whereas, a lot of unscented flowers will not have the same impact on your allergies.

  1. Reduce Mold

Mold is one of the main offenders that can cause your allergies to worsen. You want to take steps to reduce mold in and/or around your yard. Mold can be a significant factor that can end up triggering your allergies. Therefore, you will want to check out your garden to see whether or not you can spot any clear signs of mold build up. You want to reduce the amount of mold that you might have in your garden. Keep in mind, mold can build up just about anywhere. This is especially true if you have compost bins. Along with this, mold and other types of fungus can build up on your plants and vegetables as well. In order to kill off mold in your garden, you are going to need to be sure to reduce the number of weeds in your lawn and to reduce and/or eliminate the fungus growing on plants you might have. Along with this, to prevent plants from getting infected with mold, to begin with, you should try to avoid crowding your plants which can cause limited amounts of air to circulate around the plants. By planting flowers and plants with enough space for proper air circulation, you should be able to minimize mold growth.

  1. Remove Offending Trees

Believe it or not, but some of the trees in your yard might be causing your allergies to worsen. You could always work to remove the trees that are in your yard. Male trees are going to produce pollen. Thus, by getting rid of all of the male trees in your yard, you will be able to minimize the amount of pollen that is produced in your yard. While this is not always possible, it is worth considering if you have a big pollen problem.

  1. Air Filters

You will want to be sure to regularly clean out your air filters in your home to keep the pollen from getting into your home. If you really have an issue in your yard, you want to keep your windows and doors closed as well because leaving them open is likely going to leave your house susceptible to getting pollen inside of it. You should wait until you are able to manage the pollen production in your yard effectively before leaving your windows and doors open during the high pollen seasons.

Overall, there are a lot of different things that you can do to reduce the amount of pollen that is produced in your yard. By following all of the tips above from Discover Ziehler Premium lawn services, you should be able to experience significant amounts of pollen reduction which can keep your allergies at bay. You want to be sure that you are consistently cutting your grass to keep it as low as possible to avoid producing extra pollen. Also, you want to grow thick grass so there is no room for traditional weeds to grow which can produce pollen. If you have offending trees in your yard, you want to look into cutting them down or getting rid of them. Lastly, you should be focusing on doing all of your yard work after it has rained a lot so you aren’t forcing yourself to work in your yard when the pollen count is high and when it can trigger your allergies.

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