What the Future Holds for the Food Canning Industry

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Negosentro.com | Canning has had a significant impact on the food industry. Since the invention of modern food preservation techniques, the global food supply has reached potential beyond what was imaginable decades ago. Today, seasonal ingredients are available on supermarket shelves all year long. Even food products that are only found in some parts of the world are now sold globally.

Automation and machines play a significant role in the canning industry

The growth of food processing was mainly due to the technological innovation giving rise to devices used in automation. A beer can seamer, for example, has replaced the manual work of sealing cans of food passing through an assembly line. Not only did this machine increase production, but it also lowered the overall cost. As such, canned foods are not only convenient; they are affordable too.

Canning, as opposed to bottling, is a preferred method of food preservation because cans are not fragile. If you were to export bottles of food to faraway countries, it would cost more to keep these bottles safe throughout the distribution process.

Nowadays, food processing companies make use of sophisticated machines and robots to improve quality and at the same time, enhance product safety. Working conditions are also less hazardous with the help of machines. And, since developing countries create a massive demand for cheap, nutritious, and ready to consume foods, the canned food industry will continue to be a major player in the food supply chain.

Some challenges faced by the canned food industry

Although the demand for canned food remains steady, the industry is facing stiff competition from manufacturers using new packaging materials. For example, many food producers, in their attempt to increase convenience are using re-sealable pouches. Some consumers find this option more convenient than opening a can.

Another challenge the industry is facing is making sure that production practices remain sustainable. Although cans can be recycled, consumers are eager to support small manufacturers that use sustainable packaging materials. Nevertheless, it all boils down to market trends, variety, and the ongoing demand for hard to find ingredients that only canned food manufacturers can produce and distribute.

The future of the canned food industry

Using a can has many advantages, but today companies are faced with a choice of whether or not to abandon it and adopt new technology to package goods. One consideration is being able to show the consumers what is inside the packaging. One of the reasons why some consumers prefer bottles is because they know what to expect, unlike a can where there is always an element of surprise.

One groundbreaking innovation that may change the canned food industry is the use of transparent cans. The design looks much like your ordinary canned product with the regular metal lid and bottom. But instead of tin sides, the rest of the packaging is made of clear plastic.

Indeed, the future of food processing and canning foods is bright. There may be stress and strain caused by a variety of factors, but what is most important is the steady demand from consumers along with exciting innovation that is keeping the industry equipped for the future.

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