Blogging Tips: Content Ideas That Will Generate More Traffic To Your Site

Content Ideas
Writing note showing Content Ideas. Business concept for the formulated thought or opinion for content campaign Credit: | Blogging Tips: Content Ideas That Will Generate More Traffic To Your Site | Anyone who has ever hosted a blog has felt the frustration of trying to generate more traffic. Imagine if readers could just magically come to your site with only minimal effort from you. Well, you can only imagine how it feels since, in reality, it takes a little bit of hard work to build an audience.

Unfortunately, coming up with fresh blog content ideas can be a tedious experience. Is there anyone who can be creative all the time? Doubtful. Aren’t your existing blog posts enough? What’s the variety for? Why do you need more? 

Content ideas for your blog are essential, no matter what type of website you have. Anyone can publish content these days. And if you’re not creative enough, you risk invisibility online.

Once you experience the benefits of putting up blogs that are of interest to your audience, you’ll understand how it can have a significant impact on your business. It doesn’t only help you attract traffic to your site but also allows you to build an audience on social media and make an impression on your prospects.

So, how to generate content ideas for your blog? Below are content ideas that will generate more traffic to your site, check them out.

  • Infographics

One of the most effective types of content nowadays are infographics. It’s because they mainly appeal to how the human brain processes information. That’s what makes infographics very popular, shareable, as well as evergreen online content. 

The problem is that coming up with infographics involves effort. It isn’t only the research that needs to be flawless, but also the visual delivery. That said, it would be best to hire a professional to make an infographic for you. There are many content creation service providers out there who’d be willing to give you a hand.

  • How-To-Guides

The truth is that people hate to read instruction manuals nowadays. Do you even remember the last time you’ve gone through the instruction manual of an appliance you have at home, like your smart television or refrigerator?

So, how do people learn how to do stuff? Well, they Google it. Wikihow is an excellent example of a site that took advantage of how-to-guides. It became insanely popular because of these kinds of articles. People Google almost everything today. So, if you can take time to find your niche, cater to the curiosities of internet users who engage in that field, and give them several helpful answers. You’ll have a popular site in no time.

  • Checklists

Look at shopping and to-do lists, and you’ll know that everyone loves checklists. What sets this kind of content from other posts is that they’re actionable. Checklists take your readers by the hand to guide them towards a specific goal. This type of content is also beneficial since it breaks down the path to achieving something into specific steps. Turn it into a PDF and have it available for download and print for your audience, and you can expect large amounts of traffic to your website. 

  • Beginner Guides

While it’s true that making content about some advanced stuff is another way to generate more traffic to your blog, it won’t be effective unless people already trust you. So, for you to convince your audience that you’re someone knowledgeable enough, start with the 101 beginner guides.

As you probably already know, everyone has to start somewhere. Beginner guides are an excellent way for you to build organic traffic at the start. And newbie internet users find them very useful.

  • FAQs Or Frequently Asked Questions

Although posting answers to FAQs or frequently asked questions won’t stop people from asking online, they serve as an excellent resource for many internet users. E-commerce websites often feature FAQs but blogs overlook them. That’s a shame since frequently asked questions are gold for bloggers. The algorithm of Google makes use of questions, FAQs, and other popular topics on its Knowledge Graph. It’s a coveted place and posting answers to frequently asked questions give you a chance to score a top spot.

  • Original Research

Presenting original content will always be desirable. It’s especially true if the original content is super helpful and something that nobody else can offer to your audience. It’s an excellent way to distinguish yourself from your competitors.

Your research doesn’t have to be on a large scale, as long as it offers actionable insights and results, it’s a valuable content that you can post on your website no matter the sample size.

  • Personal Experience

Your post doesn’t always have to include other people. Why not make a case study out of yourself? Some bloggers found success from running experiments or doing something out of curiosity and making the results available to their audiences.

You can also do the same thing. If you have valuable lessons to share, any problem that many people experience, write about them and talk about how you overcame them. You’ll get surprised by how personal stories paired with actionable advice can be so powerful.

  • Interviews

Gaining insight from industry experts is one of the best ways to set yourself apart from other bloggers. It doesn’t matter if the interview you’ll conduct is with an individual from your team or with someone from other companies or institutions, it will work. The good thing is that there are now websites that can help you set up interviews and obtain valuable feedback from professionals.

Another way to talk to your interviewee without having to be in the same room is to email them the list of questions you think your audience would be curious about. You can also use social media channels like Twitter to post the questions.

  • Reviews

Reviewing something on your blog is another excellent way to fill your website with value for your audience. You can discuss almost anything – from gadgets, movies, and books. Youtube channels do it, why not try it to generate traffic to your site?

It would be best to provide an introduction, then discuss the pros and cons before finishing the content with a conclusion. If you’re going to review books or movies, make sure to summarize the main points. But don’t spoil anything! A call to action is also a good idea if applicable.

  • Comparisons

Reviews will not always be about one item; it’s also an excellent idea to compare one to another. Comparisons are especially helpful when two products are very similar and divide your industry. An excellent example is to compare WordPress and Wix, two of the leading website builders today. 

When you write a comparison, always be fair. Don’t forget to point out each item’s strengths and weaknesses, and give a personal opinion at the end.  


Using the same content format all the time can be boring for you and your readers. So, consider the content ideas in this post as a springboard to try something new for your blog to grow in 2020. Pick one, then continue experimenting based on the results. 

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