Step Up Your 2020 Digital Marketing Game with These Tactics

Why Your Brand Image is So Important Make Your Brand Stand Out From The Competition Service Stickers Can Boost Your Business Step Up Your 2020 Digital Marketing Game with These Tactics 2020 - Negosentro
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Negosentro| Step Up Your 2020 Digital Marketing Game with These Tactics |The digital marketing landscape is more competitive than ever, and it will only get more competitive as we go further into 2020. Businesses now turn to digital marketing as a better way to reach their customers. You are competing with hundreds – if not thousands – of other businesses for the attention of a similar market segment.

The competitiveness only means one thing: you have to step up your game in order to stay ahead of the market. Fortunately, there are several key strategies and tactics that you can implement in order to gain a competitive advantage in today’s digital marketing landscape.

Be Data-Driven

The term data-driven needs to be more than just jargon. You have to rely on data to refine your digital marketing campaigns if you really want to stay ahead of the market. The current utilization rate for audience and digital marketing data is extremely low, so there is room for a substantial boost if you take being data-driven seriously.

Smartboost digital agency is a leading name in the data-driven marketing scene. They combine artificial intelligence, comprehensive marketing intelligence, and sophisticated data gathering and processing workflows to really leverage data on a whole new level. The use of AI in marketing intelligence certainly brings some lucrative advantages.


The next thing to integrate into your digital marketing activities is automation. Almost all digital marketing tools support automation. In fact, you can automate actions across multiple platforms and business solutions with the help of intermediaries like Zapier. Automation is a great way to boost capacity without investing more resources.

For example, you can automate the delivery of remarketing emails based on triggers such as exposure to ads, dropped carts, and a visit to a particular page. Tools like Active Campaign can accept data from other sources and can even be triggered to send customized emails when certain conditions are met. Automation is how you free up important resources for other tasks.

Be Personal

Rather than dealing with tasks such as sending emails and keeping track of analytics data, you can make better use of yours and your team’s time and energy to build genuine relationships with key stakeholders. Connecting with bloggers and online journalists, for instance, is a great way to develop a stronger brand presence.

Don’t just build a relationship for specific objectives though; you want to add personal touches to the way you engage the stakeholders around you. When working with influencers, try to integrate their input and ideas into product development. You’ll be surprised by how much more impactful their content will be when they genuinely love working with your brand.

One More Thing…

As an added bonus, here’s one more tip to keep in mind: be authentic. Every business is using digital marketing to position themselves in a certain way, mostly as the best on the market. It doesn’t take long before viewers start to ignore this type of message completely.

By being authentic and connecting with the audience on a more personal level, you are already separating yourself from the competition. Staying ahead will not be a problem at all.

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