Advice and Education Needs of a Student, at any Stage

How to Stay Happy and Healthy During Study Year eRoles & Responsibilities in Mathematical Education ducation needs Education Sector Study Skills Online Assignment | Advice and Education Needs of a Student, at any Stage | If you are a junior high school student, or you’re a senior about to leave high-school for a higher institution, or you’re a graduate about to embark on the graduate school journey, this article is for you. I will endeavor to give you some valuable pieces of advice that can positively shape your career going forward. 

If you haven’t been taking your education seriously, this is a wake-up call. Your education will shape your future. You may not necessarily be working in a company that precisely suits your study history, but because of your educational qualifications, you will be able to adapt quickly. 

Without your degree, you will have to succumb to the lower levels of the employee food chain. Take your studies seriously. Most of the students who are called nerds today and ridiculed because of their close attachment to books, in the future, will most likely land the best jobs. The highest paying companies employ such people, and within a few years after graduation, they become the hotshots in town. During reunions, it will be evident that they are so comfortable. 

High School Education

Now let’s talk about junior high schoolers. Your career might seem too young, but be sure that this is the easiest time to make decisions that will positively impact your future. Firstly, you need to decide whether you are going to become a science student or an art student, or both if your school allows that. 

Being an art student means that you will study courses related mostly to the non-physical aspects of living, such as law, management, economics, accounting, linguistics, sociology, government, etc. Becoming a science student will shape your study path into STEM courses (science, technology, engineering, & mathematics). 

You will get used to subjects like human anatomy, chemistry, physics, technical drawing, further mathematics, computer programming, etc. It would help if you decided based on what you like. What makes you feel happy when thinking about doing it? If you do not enjoy doing sciences, you have to switch over to arts, and vice versa. 

Talk to your parents and teachers about what you think and seek out what they know about certain subjects and courses that interest you. After you must’ve made your decision, the journey starts in senior high-school, and you must be prepared to tackle every hindrance. Create a personal daily reading timetable, and don’t let it down. Avoid hanging out with obviously unserious students. 

You don’t have to make them your enemies, you can still exchange pleasantries whenever you meet, but do not spend time with them. If you are too close to an unserious student, advise them, and if they are not willing to change, let them go. Make a conscious effort to become different, better, attentive, interested, and diligent. Finally, always ask your teachers and intelligent students a lot of questions. 

Undergraduate Education

For those of you who are about to leave high-school, this is the right time to start practicing A-level and SAT questions. Depending on your region, begin practicing the relevant exams you have to take to gain admission into a higher institution. Take practice tests daily, at least two per day. 

After every practice test, focus on the questions you get wrong and learn everything you can about the topic where such questions were picked from. If you don’t practice regularly, you will be overwhelmed during the actual exams, and if you need an essay writer to help, get one. Practicing with past questions or taking practice tests will not only improve your knowledge about the topics, but it will also help you learn how to manage your time during the actual exam. 

Most of these exams have tight time schedules and require speed from the students. Practice tests will help you develop and understand quick techniques and formulae for answering and solving questions. As the common saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” 

When you get accepted into a higher institution (university, polytechnic, etc.), it’s time to get even more serious than ever. Contact facility members in your department to join their research groups. Contact your faculty for student assistant jobs. Contact student reading groups. 

Thus, take up academic activities that have been proven to support students’ careers (through scholarships, internships, certifications, etc.) and steer students in the right direction. Thus, delve deeper into the course you’re going to study, more profound than just attending lectures. Don’t forget to create a personal daily reading and research timetable. Visit the library regularly. 

Also, don’t shy away from recreational activities. Your health and fitness are essential and depending on how serious you take the sports, and you might receive a scholarship for fully participating.

Graduate Education

As a graduate, you are edging closer to reaping the benefits of your education. Many fresh graduates don’t bother about graduate studies, but to be honest, these studies are highly valuable. Whether you are hoping to get a promotion in your new job, or you’re interested in becoming an academic scholar, you need to embark on the graduate student journey. 

Here, research is inevitable and vital to the success of your studies. Joining a research program will narrow your focus within your field of study. It will give you a sense of purpose and ultimately shape your career from a broader focus to a fixed, sharper one. You will discover that even with your first degree, you still have a lot to learn. Graduate studies are more flexible than undergraduate studies. 

You can keep your job while studying part-time or online. Obtain a master’s degree and be sure to climb higher in the employee/ entrepreneurship food chain. Obtain a Ph.D., and be sure to even climb higher, with a very high chance of being absorbed by a higher institution. Those who keep on going higher in their educational path become professors at a young age. 

The benefits of graduate school are immense but also bear in mind that your concentration and diligence mustn’t drop here. Create a personal daily reading plus research timetable and visit the library regularly. Become a teaching assistant, or a research assistant, or an office assistant. Join a student research team. Publish your research works. Get closer to the scholars in your field of study and always ask questions. 

In a Nutshell…

Education is a continuous process in life. It requires concentration, attention, self-control, diligence, consistency, patience, humility, courage, and an inward desire. Make reading a part of you, and make what you’re reading what you love. Be closer to those who will have a positive impact on your studies, and not those who are unserious about studying. 

Remember, “birds of the same feather flock together.” Don’t be shy to admit what you do not understand, and ask a lot of questions to both teachers and intelligent friends. Decide within you to be successful in your educational pursuit and make a conscious effort to implement your decision physically. Don’t give up, and the sky will be your kick-off point.

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