What Makes A Coworking Space The Right Choice For You?

5 Ways To Make Every Work Day Effective 2020 - Negosentro
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Negosentro | What Makes A Coworking Space The Right Choice For You? | Workplace, for millennials is a metonym for their home. Or as a matter of fact, an average person is likely to spend more time at his/her office rather than their residence, one that they use for accommodation and dining. It is for this reason that the workplace must have a healthy environment and exert a positive influence on the personality and productivity of the person by catalysing the process of mutualism.  The key to any company’s success is the dynamism of its personnel. The herculean task of harnessing the reservoirs of these untapped resources requires a decent physical territory to work, which costs a lot of money. Now, this upcoming problem has got an effective remedy- coworking space.

Coworking space is a strategic approach used by start-ups, MSMEs, solopreneurs and even MNCs worldwide. It is based on an integrative model that satisfies both the individual and organisational needs. In its essence a coworking space contributes to a constructive corporate culture. Coworking spaces are oriented in a manner so as to fulfil the needs of all the clients. There is a well-fortified rationale as to why coworking spaces is the right alternative for establishing your venture. Some of them are as follows:


The foremost attribute is, workspace. Everybody wants to cowork yet have their own space. Therefore, it provides ample territorial space for people to work simultaneously. The location of the coworking spaces are tactically calculated, so that they have a good connectivity to all parts of the city through different modes of transport. For instance, a Coworking space in Bangalore may have its centre in Marathalli ORR that will have an easy access to the entire city. The places are made to be peaceful, noise-free and orderly.

The detrimental effects of the over exposure to flickering screens on the sight are brought down by proper lighting. The backpain due to sedentary lifestyle is relieved by using ergonomic chairs. The provision of comfortable furnishings, fittings and upholstery makes it even more pleasant. The offices are air-conditioned and have good ambience. Meeting rooms, conference halls and interview chambers include relevant set-up. 


The shared workspace are always kept tidy and free of clutter. This sustains the focus of employees on their work. The premises have a stringent cleaning schedule. Attention is specifically paid to hygiene and sanitization. The desks, meeting areas, dining area and washrooms are thoroughly disinfected. Immaculate setting with a tranquil ambience leads to performance appraisal, significantly reduces work stress and brings up many other psychologically proven benefits. To augment work output, the interiors are tailored wild, energetic and innovative. 


Another vital condition is the presence of basic amenities needed for everyday working of offices. Most of the coworking spaces provide an array of utilities that include power backup, high speed internet, telephonic facilities, sturdy IT services, a sound digital infrastructure that includes printers, scanners, presentation and projection equipment, mics, speakers, plugs, fax services and other software and hardware.  


A well-trained reception to respond to queries, receive calls, postal and parcels and a network of ground staff to ensure unparalleled service, are quintessential. The personnel will capable of managing the timings, supervise the day-to-day functioning of the shared workspace. The house-keeping personnel is usually trained in catering, domestic science, and office management. Another critical touchstone that every coworking space do not compromise is vigilant security.


A café, or separate hangout area breaks the monotony of workers, giving them at-home feeling, and rejuvenates them. Facilities like tea, coffee and evening snacks may be the cherry on the cake. It binds the people working together and creates an open-office culture.


Group activities also intensify cohesiveness among the employees and proliferates community spirit, which makes the plug and play, fun and frolic. Creativity-oriented games and networking opportunities may yield psychological benefits for all involved. When the employees have a zeal to visit the office, it pushes them to accept and conquer greater challenges.  All things considered, creating employee socialization boosts the morale of the workers. 


Last, yet the most important criteria, is the money factor. The flexible offices by us is pocket-friendly and give value for money. For instance, iKeva is one such coworking space which provides a variety of services at a modest price. They believe affordability is what attracts clients and hospitality service is what keeps them. 

Only when the employees feel like they are at their own office, will our prospect be tangible.  An ideal shared office space venture ought to pass the litmus paper test and swing to the oscillating requirements of their assorted clientele.


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