7 Jobs to Consider if You Don’t Like the Office

Great Tips for Starting Your Home Grown Business Setting up Your Home Business 7 Jobs to Consider if You Don't Like the Office 2020 - Negosentro
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Negosentro| 7 Jobs to Consider if You Don’t Like the Office |An office job can be a signal of routine and security to many, but to others, an office is a suffocating environment for a career. Not everyone is suited to days at a desk for a typical 9-5 job, and that’s okay. If you’re looking to try out a new career that doesn’t involve a crappy desk chair or stale break room coffee, here are some ideas to get you started. 

  1. Truck Driver

If you love road trips, a career as a truck driver could be perfect for you. You’ll have plenty of time to listen to music or audiobooks as you venture across the country and see sights you’ve never seen before. You’ll have to learn how to drive certain vehicles, and maybe even how to transport more fragile or valuable cargo. If you make a quick search, you’ll see plenty of trucking jobs in demand

  1. Freelancer

If you prefer to make your own schedule from home, you may enjoy working as a freelancer. Lots of companies outsource work to freelancers, so you just have to know where to look. Writers, editors, and artists are just a few examples of people that create their own dream jobs without the headache of a daily commute. You can make your own hours and fee schedules, but you’ll also be responsible for a lot of admin work. Sourcing clients can be time consuming, but you also have a say in the kinds of people you work for.

  1. Customer Service Provider

A huge percentage of companies have some form of customer service. Some businesses prefer to have someone on-site, but it’s also convenient to have someone available at all hours. You could work from home taking calls from customers, or connect over chat or email to assist with a variety of issues. Depending on the industry, you may be required to have some experience, but other companies are happy to train.

  1. Paramedic

Paramedics and EMTs don’t report to an office every day, but when you’re responsible for someone’s health, you do need to be capable of handling stressful situations at a moment’s notice. There’s a lot of specialized training involved, and you’ll have to be okay with seeing some disturbing things, but this kind of career can also be incredibly rewarding.

  1. Pilot

If you love to travel and want to see the world, you may want to consider becoming a pilot. This is another career that involves a lot of training and potentially high stress, but it also has the potential for a six figure salary. You could work for an airline, but it’s not your only option. Though the hours and flight schedule may be inconsistent, you’ll get to travel to places others only dream of. 

  1. Web Designer

Now that almost everyone spends at least a small portion of their time online, an online presence is even more important for businesses. Creating a website is a highly specialized skill set, and not everyone has the time or patience to build something of their own. If you can make a beautiful website that’s easy to navigate and draws in customers, you could find yourself with plenty of work.

  1. Repairs and Installation Work

Plumbers, electricians and contractors all have skills people need, and the demand isn’t likely to dry up any time soon. Everyone needs functional plumbing, working electricity and the occasional project completed in the home. If you enjoy meeting new people and the challenge of a different problem each day, this could be a rewarding career for you. When you work in a house, you’re helping complete someone’s home. 

The workplace landscape is changing, and while an office job may have been typical before, more flexible types of careers are becoming more and more common. If you’re looking for a career that better suits your goals and lifestyle, chances are there’s a unique path for you. 

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