Ways to Better Understand Your Customers

Ways to Better Understand Your Customers 2020 - Negosentro
Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-yellow-turtleneck-sweater-smiling-3767418/

Negosentro| Ways to Better Understand Your Customers |Clients and customers are the lifeblood of any business. If you can’t draw new clients in or the customers you do have start slipping through your fingers, your cash flow stops and your business is thrown into turmoil. It costs more to attract new customers than to keep the ones you’ve got, so understanding their needs is crucial to your success.

Plus, knowing their opinions and expectations of your company can help you further develop your brand. If you’re currently struggling to get a grip on what makes your customers tick, here are five ways to understand them better.

1. Analyze Your Data

In the age of connectivity, you’ve got access to more data than ever before. Consider sentiment analysis to get a better idea of the things customers say about your brand. By examining all the areas online where people are discussing your brand, you can dissect reviews or comments to see how the world views your company.

This is an exciting and candid glimpse into how people actually feel about the work you do, but without the extra help from some impressive algorithms, it can be difficult to gather and then inspect every comment. When done well, customer sentiment can give you concrete feedback on areas in which you’re excelling as well as areas that need improvement.

2. Test Your Online Content

Most companies have some sort of presence online, and there are ways to test how well your web content is received by customers. AB test your photos, tone variations and different versions of your ads to see how well your audience connects to those components. Ending an article with one call to action may persuade more readers to click a corresponding link than a different version.

Make sure you assess your results carefully, because you never know when they’ll appear skewed. For example, one photo may get a lot of clicks and have impressive numbers at first, but a different photo may have fewer clicks and high conversion rates. The first photo got attention, the second one is getting you customers.

3. Recognize Trends

The longer you’ve been in business, the more data you have, so the better the position you’re in to recognize unique trends. With careful analysis, you should be able to identify exactly what types of content speaks to your audience. If you received exceptional engagement numbers in an ad campaign for a seasonal promotion, you can reasonably guess that a similar campaign will be successful.

Predictive modeling technology can help you imagine what those numbers will look like. You can even use these models to analyze data from your competitors and highlight where you do things differently.

4. Speak With Employees

Don’t ignore the workers that deal directly with consumers. These employees answer questions, solve problems and make sales all day every day, and they’re a valuable tool for better understanding your customers.

Not only do they recognize what customers want, but they hear all about complaints and issues you could be ignoring.

5. Get Direct Feedback

If you’re surveying your customers for their insight and opinions, structure your questions without bias. Create an environment that welcomes honesty, and you may be surprised by the results. Even if it’s difficult to hear the negative feedback, this is a great way to be honest with your shortcomings and get concrete feedback about specific issues that need your attention.

Once you’ve gotten your data, make sure you thank the participants, and consider following up once you’ve implemented their feedback. Seeing actual changes because of something they did will help your customers feel valued and seen.

Chances are, you’ve got a lot of data at your finger tips, so why not use it to improve your business? With the help of technological advancements, you can both analyze your data and predict the kinds of patterns you could see in the future.

With careful testing and collection of emotion-driven data, you’ll be well on your way to improving customer relations.

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