Underrated Link Building Tactics that Work Surprisingly Well

Underrated Link Building Tactics that Work Surprisingly Well

Negosentro.com | Underrated Link Building Tactics that Work Surprisingly Well | In any search engine optimization (SEO) playbook, you’ll likely find a dedicated section about link building, the process of reaching out to other websites, and asking them to link back to your own site. From definitions to myths and methodologies, these playbooks shed light on everything about building links for the content that you create.

Obviously, when you create content on your website, your goal is to let people find and share it so that more websites will link to you. These things signal to Google that your website is an excellent source of information, resulting in better search rankings and driving higher traffic to your site. Ultimately, these metrics can produce quality leads and business revenue.

Why Link Build?

The problem lies when your content doesn’t get the traction you have hoped for unless you reach out to website owners or webmasters. SEO playbooks also teem with recommendations on the most commonly used strategies in link building, but a good marketer will also explore other options to cover all bases, which is what underrated link building tactics are for.

Utilized less often, these link building techniques add the much-needed variety in your marketing campaigns, so they become more engaging for audiences. 

In addition, they allow you to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms that Google rolls out to serve the end-users of the search engine better. By complying with new guidelines on how sites are ranked, you gain good business mileage and generate high-quality inbound links on your site’s content.

What are These Underrated Tactics?

In this post, we let you in on how you can build links using less common strategies that are equally effective as the more popular ones like guest posting or broken link building. While these two methods are generally acceptable in the SEO space, they tend to limit your audience reach and lack the uniqueness that your prospects are looking to act on your pitch.  

Here’s a rundown of the underutilized link building tactics that are worth your attention:

  1. Interviews—As the name suggests, you interview with field experts to talk about industry-specific topics and then promote the content to sites who will be happy to share it with their audience while crediting you as the source.
  2. Resource Pages—In this technique, you’ll be reaching out to prospective sites with a relevant piece of content that they can add to their collection of resources.
  3. Partner Links—This involves exchanging links by mentioning other sites, which may be those of your clients or other organizations in your niche, in your content that can open up opportunities for them to also refer users to your site. 
  4. HARO—HARO stands for “Help a Reporter Out,” with the idea of sharing your expert knowledge to less experienced writers or journalists, which will allow them to produce insightful articles for their news organization.
  5. Image Reclamation—In this method, you track your republished and uncredited images so that the site can properly credit you with a backlink.
  6. Profile Links—These links feature your company profile, which helps introduce your business to members of a particular site or community.
  7. Ego Bait—This is a strategy that requires good PR skills as you build relationships with influencers, so they’ll be willing to give you a link or mention in their content. 
  8. Second-Tier Link Building—Also known as tier 2 link building, this is marked by a site linking to another site that features your content. 
  9. Media Events—From the name itself, this is about posting content, usually on social media, to promote company events with a link to your website.

Check out the full version of the infographic for tips on how to implement each of these non-conventional methods to link building.


About the Author

Oscar Florea

Oscar is Spiralytics‘ “wisest” Online PR Specialist. His outstanding relationship building skills have been honed by years of experience helping companies in all sorts of industries to manage their brand image. This guy eats strategic outreach for breakfast!

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