Ways To Secure Your Business against Cyber Attacks

Business against Cyber Attacks
Image source: Pexels.com

Negosentro.com | Ways To Secure Your Business against Cyber Attacks | There are many solid tools and strategies to protect your business from hackers, and you can implement several different methods to strengthen your security. Here are five ways to secure your business against cyber attacks.

1. Using Encryption

Encryption is a major component of strong cybersecurity. It’s very difficult for hackers to crack if they’re able to get their hands on it, so it makes your data virtually useless to them. You should encrypt every device that accesses the internet at your company, whether they use wireless or wired connections. When you send sensitive data, make sure the method of sending is encrypted and only the person it’s being sent to has the decryption key. You should also make sure there is an option available to encrypt outside devices accessing your network. If an employee needs to use a personal device or public wifi for some reason, they should be able to log on to your network via a VPN, which encrypts the connection. Most security software available these days comes with encryption software

2. Leveraging Firewalls

Firewalls are a basic cybersecurity tool, but they’ve had longstanding success. You can leverage a firewall to prevent employees from accessing inappropriate or dangerous websites and to block hackers and other cyberattacks. You should install firewall software on every in-network device and any personal devices that may access your network at any point. Be sure to update firewall software regularly so patches are applied in a timely manner to continue providing your devices with the most complete protection.

3. Implementing Hybrid Storage

In the same way it’s a good idea to distribute valuables across pockets and bags to protect them when you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to distribute your data across various storage tools. Using a hybrid approach can have several benefits, including offline storage, limiting access to data and data backups. Data can be stored in external hard drives or physical files, multi-factor authentication can be implemented and you can store multiple copies of data files in different places in case of corruption or theft. In addition, with the cloud becoming so popular, there can be concerns about security. This is where a hybrid cloud approach comes in. So what is hybrid cloud? It’s a method of cloud storage that combines the public and private cloud. Remote employees can access it, but require the right credentials for access and it’s easier to work across the cloud and local systems.

4. Protecting Hardware

Keeping hardware secure is just as important as protecting your software and network, especially if you’re using hardware to store sensitive data. This doesn’t just mean locking your building, providing employees keycards for access and hiring security personnel. Protecting hardware means having a plan for what to do if an employee loses his or her laptop or phone. These devices can store important sensitive information and losing them can cause a big security threat. Make sure there is a system for employees to follow when storing and transporting their work devices. Some businesses have locks that employees can attach their laptops to so they aren’t stolen when employees leave their desks, for example. It’s also a good idea to implement multi-factor authentication. This way, in the event of a lost or stolen device, it’s less likely the thief will be able to gain access to any information stored on it. Lastly, make sure employees save their work or backup files of their work to the cloud or your network so it isn’t lost in the event of device loss or theft.

5. Training Employees

People are both the biggest security risk and the biggest security tool at your business’s disposal. If you don’t educate your employees on security, including what to watch out for and how to protect their data, they’re vulnerable to cyber attacks. Implement a cybersecurity training program and make sure employees with access to sensitive data don’t share it with those who don’t need access.

Hackers are constantly improving their methods to steal your data and infiltrate your accounts. You need to make sure your business is likewise constantly reviewing and improving its security measures in order to protect it.

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