Avoiding health hazards when moving with kids

Avoiding health hazards when moving with kids

Avoiding health hazards when moving with kids | One thing is for sure – moving house is stressful, even if you don’t have kids. Deadlines, packing, unpredictable costs, moving scams – there are numerous ways you’re a relocation can be difficult. However, when moving with kids, one thing that is really important for parents is safety throughout the whole process. As moving often happens along with a number of other tasks, there’s an increased risk of injuries and other health problems. Parents often don’t think about all the possible ways both adults and children can get hurt during the move, especially if they’re moving for the first time. For that reason, we’ve made a simple safety guide. Here’s everything about avoiding health hazards when moving with kids – all the info to keep your loved ones, as well as your home, well-protected and safe. 

Fight against unpredictability 

Unpredictable situations are often the cause of injuries, home damage, costs, and surely, stress. However, one of the ways to protect everybody is to plan your move in advance. This will reduce the chance of being surprised as you will be able to predict certain problems and prevent them beforehand. If you plan your relocation in detail, you will have more time to finish the tasks and avoid last-minute injuries which will make the moving process easier. This guide will also help you predict all the possible problematic situations, so you can be cautious and keep your family protected. 

Don’t do everything on your own 

There’s so much to do regarding the move. Kids require your attention, and you need to take care of your work, clean the home, pack, etc. And if you’re moving long-distance, the situation can become even more overwhelming. Therefore, as cross-country type of relocation is more challenging, make sure you get the right assistance during the process. Experts that have a lot of experience with family moves will ensure the items are skillfully and safely removed from the old home, without risking the health of your family. 

Things to pack first when moving with kids 

When relocating a family home, the safety of the kids should be the number one priority. For that reason, make sure you pack systematically, putting dangerous items away first. Cleaning supplies, medicines, batteries, pesticides, etc. are very dangerous for kids, so packing them safely as soon as possible will reduce the risks. The reason is that some of these items can be unintentionally left around the house, and kids could easily find them. Therefore, be sure to pack all the high-risk items first, but also unpack and put them away as soon as you move into your new home.

Watch your packing supplies 

When avoiding health hazards when moving with kids, make sure you keep an eye on your packing supplies. These often include choking hazards, sharp scissors, tape dispensers, and other dangerous items. The best way to make the packing safe is to create a packing station in one of the rooms and keep the room closed for kids. This way they won’t interrupt the packing process, and stay away from the risky items. Finally, be sure to seal all the boxes properly – don’t try to save on the tape, but secure the boxes as tightly as possible.

Secure the cables 

When moving to a new house, you unplug your TV and other electronics. If these cables are placed on the ground, they present a danger for kids. They can trip over these cables and hurt themselves, but also damage your items. This is why it is important to keep the cables away – roll them and use plastic ties to secure them. Furthermore, once you move in, be sure to secure flat-screen TVs by mounting them to a wall. This will prevent trip-overs and unnecessary accidents.

Keep the kids away 

The best way of avoiding health hazards when moving with kids is to keep them away from the house on a moving day. Ask friends or relatives to watch the kids while the heavy furniture and boxes are being carried out. Kids running around the house during such a busy time are not safe, and injuries can happen. That’s why it’s better they, along with your pets, are in a safer place for a couple of hours. 

Use proper lifting techniques 

Apart from protecting your kids, make sure you don’t end up hurt, too. Don’t lift objects that are too heavy for one person, and use proper lifting techniques for other items. And the best solution possible is to look for skilled experts at triple7movers.com – they have all the necessary equipment to make the move safer. 

Child-proof the new house 

Once you arrive at the new home, make sure it is safe enough for your kids. This is very important as the kids are not used to the new surroundings, which makes it a risky place. Secure the windows, put gates on the stairs, protect electrical outlets, etc. This is an essential step you should do as soon as you arrive at the new home.

Have a first-aid kit around 

When packing for the move, you should have a box of essentials you will need on your first night in the new house. This box should also include a first aid kit. Having it at hand at all times will ensure you don’t have to go through numerous boxes in case something happens. Even though your priority will be avoiding health hazards when moving with kids, accidents happen even with the most cautious people. That’s why you should be prepared for various scenarios, and make sure your family is secure. 

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