How Is the Experience Of Children After a Long Time To Back To School

How Is the Experience Of Children After a Long Time To Back To School

How Is Experience Of Children After a Long Time To Back To School | Millions of schools worldwide went under a sudden closure to mitigate the dangers of the Covid-19 virus. Most countries implemented remote learning in their regular learning routine to help students cope with the sudden closure and bridge the learning gap. 

Remote learning, no doubt, is the need of the hour, but it certainly isn’t a permanent solution. 


This is mainly because students with financial stringencies and limited sources cannot make most of the remote learning compared to the students from affluent backgrounds with good academic and socio-economic skills.

With the availability of the Covid-19 vaccine, many schools are considering reopening school for students. The thought of going back to schools has elicited mixed emotions for students, parents, and teachers. 

While some students are excited to go back to school and meet their friends and teachers, many are reluctant to join, fearing the virus. Here’s what some of them had to say about studying from home and going back to school. 

Let’s start with students who are happy with remote learning.

  • Judy James, 9, Tampa

Judy likes learning from home because it gives her quality time with her parents as she loves them a lot. Although she dislikes math and had to do it in school anyway, she finds it better at home and enjoys her P.E. with her dad. 


  • Ana Black, 15, Massachusetts 


Ana prefers learning from home because it gives her more time to complete all her homework throughout the day. There’s no rush of completing work within a fixed hour; she can break the tasks and complete them at her own pace. Also, it gives her extra time to do what she pleases, which wasn’t possible before with regular classes. 


  • Jack Capote, 11, Sydney


For Jack, the only good thing about learning from home during the pandemic was his family and sharing his academic journey with them. He gets to tag along with his siblings to work on projects and enjoy quality family time. 


  • Emma Rogers, 13, London


Emma loves learning from home because she gets more work done with the assistance of her family. Although she sometimes struggles to keep up with online lectures, she stays on top of every assignment with her parents’ essay help. Also, she likes that she gets to take frequent breaks to refresh and complete her studies early.

But some struggle and are happy to go back to school.


  • Nala Samuelvi, 10, Georgia 


Nala is excited to go back to school because she would see her friends and teachers again. She doesn’t like learning from the computer because it hurt her eyes and fingers. She prefers to learn with teachers in person. If distance-learning continues, she fears she won’t be able to make new friends in a new class and meet new teachers. 


  • Andy Kocholava, 9, Brisbane 


Andy doesn’t want to go back to online classes because he gets tired of virtual lectures. He is happy to go back to school and meet his friends. Like many other classmates, he too abides by the rules like no hugging, maintaining distance, shorter breaks, and sanitising hands. He loves to participate in new study activities with his friends, which wasn’t possible at home. 


  • Tina Harriet, 12, Queensland


Tina was attending her online classes from her phone as she doesn’t have a personal computer. She had to complete her assignments and send photos or connect a keyboard for typing. In the case of unstable connections, Tina missed out on essential lectures. She is happy to return to school to communicate with her teachers and play with friends. 


  • Lasha Lu, 11, Brooklyn 


The initial days of online classes were fun and exciting for Lasha. She did her homework whenever she pleased, played, and slept. But soon it got boring, and she missed her friends. Now that schools are reopening, she is super excited to start a new class year, make new friends, and catch up with the old ones. 

4 Things Parents Should Do To Help Children Returning To School Post Lockdown

The decision of reopening schools for the general public is still under scrutiny. Governments are preparing to reopen schools, keeping in mind the safety factors and sanitary conditions. Schools may open in some areas with no new Covid-19 cases only for some grades and for a few hours of a day. 

Even if schools reopen and teachers decide to work in shifts, there are a couple of things parents can do to get their kids back into school mode. 


  • Develop a routine:


Once you are notified of your kid’s school reopening, create a routine. From waking up at a particular time to eating and getting ready for school, get your child used to the old way. It won’t be easy to follow a consistent routine after so many months, but if you start practising a week beforehand, it will help your child get back to the old routine. 


  • Talk about it:


As I mentioned earlier, not all students are excited about going back to school. They are afraid of the virus and fear they will fall sick once they mix with others. Such thoughts can be stressful on a young mind. It’s your responsibility to talk with them directly and reassure them that we can conquer our fears. Be supportive and answer their questions and how you can help to protect them.


  • Instill safety etiquette:


Teach your children the significance of wearing a mask and how it can protect them and others from getting infected. Make them practice wearing a mask the right way for a short period and gradually increase the time, so they do the same on the school campus. Try fun tactics to teach them to wash their hands often, especially before and after leaving home, eating, and using the washroom. 


  • Be available:


It’s entirely normal for children to feel anxious and nervous to go back to school after staying at home for near a year. Hence, make yourself available to listen to what your children have to say. Show interest in their activities like you used to during online classes. Develop a safe environment at home so your kids can come home and express themselves. 

Wrapping Up

Preparing children to return to school will be different than other times because of the panic and stress the virus has caused. However, nothing is impossible to attain with patience, safety measures, and proper support. Stay connected with your child’s school and local healthcare department for the latest information, and start planning how you can ease up the upcoming school year for your children. 

Author Bio

Marco Evans is a well-known academic Essay Writer as well  as Ghost Writer of a reputed Company in Sydney, Australia. I am also associated with, an online academic website, where I provide virtual assignment help sydney on request. Apart from teaching, I like to read thrillers, bake cookies, and paint scenery to relax.

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