Why smart roads will be everywhere

Why smart roads will be everywhere Road Emergencies
Image source: Pexels.com

Why smart roads will be everywhere | Often highways are ignored when one aspires for GPS navigation, autonomous vehicles, and route optimization apps. It would be misleading to think the common road will align with modern transport infrastructure. Toads can be upgraded with solar lighting, communication, and power transmission. In Sweden, about 2 kilometers of electrified roads near Stockholm have been commissioned, which is just a first step to further expansion. The main purpose of electrified roads is to resolve the growing problem of electric vehicles charged at affordable prices. The two rails embedded in the road charge the electric vehicle through a movable arm inserted at the base of the vehicle. 

Solar Roads

Solar roads are created with photovoltaic cells inside hexagonal panels crafted out of tempered glass. The LEDs, snow-melting heating devices, microprocessors, and inductive charging potential incorporated in these panels can charge electrical vehicles. Glass is renewable and can be reinforced with modern techniques, which allows stopping safely, even when playing at high speed. The roads are expensive to build, practicality and safety are still a concern. There are some solar roads in China and the US, but the electricity generated does not validate the construction cost of US$450 per square foot.

The underwater expressways

The underwater expressways are partially or completely constructed under the sea or estuary. State-of-the-art technology and know-how are used to build such underwater highways. Much novel technology and construction methods are used to overcome varieties of challenges ranging from the soft seafloor to natural conditions like wind, tide, and earthquake. The engineers must consider other factors like marine conservation and traffic. These expressways generally have two tunnels, one for incoming traffic and another for outgoing. 

TEB tracks

The innovative concept of hanging buses over traveling cars was once termed as the future of transport, which would solve the snarling traffic. The transit elevated bus was made public in 2016 August. At first, the program was acclaimed despite the lack of speed and logistic issues regarding how any vehicle taller than seven feet would pass beneath the bus. On each corner, each vehicle has to wait for the bus to maneuver the bend. Due to these hurdles, the Qinhuangdao government has started dismantling the tracks meant for TEB tracks. The project is completely scrapped, and many have been arrested for illegal fundraising.

Illuminated pavements

The highways, pavements, and cycle paths could generate light from solar energy, as well as provide a path for traveling. If solar roads are installed, it has the potential to produce more renewable energy. The power produced from illuminated pavements and parking areas could be used to charge electric cars, power buildings, and excess could be sold to the power grid.

Smart roads are essential for autonomous trucks. Solar roads embedded with photovoltaic cells currently cover-up around 0.5% of the earth’s surface, which provides renewable energy and a better driving experience.

Light up remote roads with less human traffic at a reduced cost. 

This technology can be used not only on highways but also in lanes, driveways, and parking lots. The electricity generated by the photovoltaic cells depends on the geographic location orientation of driveways and shading. Solar roads can melt ice accumulated on the roads, economical to repair; only damaged panels can be removed and replaced. Solar roads can light up remote roads

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