The Key to Brand Story Advertising Success

The Key to Brand Story Advertising Successonline branding, brand-strength, brand-strategy, brand-opportunity

The Key to Brand Story Advertising Success | Brand storytelling is a powerful way to market your business. People relate to stories, not sales pitches – so having a good story can be a great way to differentiate your brand.

You don’t have to look far to see examples of businesses telling stories being incredibly successful. Recently, an Italian artist made the news by selling an “invisible sculpture” for over $18,000.

That’s a lot of money for a product that doesn’t even exist!

Hundreds of companies use stories to sell their goods: TOMS famously sell their shoes on the idea that when you shop with them, you’re not just buying shoes – you’re saving lives. Dove makes their advertising stories so relatable that woman all over the world has become brand ambassadors, freely sharing their message and advertisements. Burberry’s Chief Creative Officer, Christopher Bailey, says they are now “as much a media content company as a design company” – the company puts a huge emphasis on customer connection through story and making billions in profit as a result.

It’s clear that audiences crave the emotional and personal connection that these brands create.

A storytelling strategy has worked for many businesses. It can work for you too.

Why story works

When an audience watches or reads your brand’s story, it engages them emotionally. They connect with stories in a way that never happens with traditional advertising.

It’s why social media has created such a buzz in the marketing community. Social media has allowed brands to speak more directly to customers create a lasting impression through telling stories. Those stories are easily shared and spread, creating massive brand growth quickly at a low cost.

Brand storytelling works like no other form of marketing on the web.

A well-crafted narrative can provide an emotional experience for your customers – one they’ll remember and talk about with their friends and families. This quickly turns your audience into ambassadors for your company, giving them a means and a reason to spread the word of your company and services.

So how do you tell a brand story well?

A good brand story connects deeply with its intended audience. For it to be effective, it needs to create an emotional response with your audience.

The people buying your product or service currently have a problem: if they’re going to trust you to solve it, you need to show them you understand exactly what’s happening in their lives right now.

Ask yourself this question: why do people buy from you? How can you tell that story in a way that resonates with them and draws them closer to what you’re offering?

Storytelling is not just relaying a bunch of facts; that quickly gets boring. Weaving the facts into a moving story is what creates interest. Think about when news channels report on a natural disaster. They concentrate the camera on a woman who is pulling their child free from the rubble of a building, or interview someone who is giving their own account of the horror they faced.

These human stories allow others to connect and empathize in a way they otherwise would not. And this is the core of brand story advertising campaign success.

Giving accurate, clear insights into the pain your audience is experiencing, and the solution they want to achieve will help your customers move closer to you, and create more opportunities for you to offer them your products and services.

Marketing can feel challenging in a huge global market. You’re always competing against other brands for customers, but it is possible to stand out. Create a meaningful, personal connection and you’ll quickly see the difference it makes to your brand recognition and sales.


Brand Storyteling InfographicIMAGE CREDIT

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