Professional Sewage Backup Cleanup and Restoration

Professional Sewage Backup Cleanup and Restoration

Professional Sewage Backup Cleanup and Restoration | Based on the Environmental Protection Agency, a sewer backup is caused by the overflow of sanitary sewers (SSOs). A sewage backup can be one of the most unlucky unsafe, dangerous, and unhygienic scenarios for homeowners.

Sewage backups are thought to be an emergency as the substance could contain hazardous bacteria, viruses, and other microbes that cause illness. Fortunately, SOS Mitigation is here to help reduce the damage caused by sewage.

Are you searching for an experienced and professional Sewage Cleanup in NYCcompany? SOS Mitigation is the ideal solution for emergency water and the mitigation of sewage damage.

Our Services

SOS Mitigation is a team of experts with a wide range of expertise in damage mitigation. It doesn’t matter if it’s mold, water, or sewage. SOS Mitigation has the best team to do the task. Our services for sewage backup include:

  • Sewage inspection
  • Water damage restoration
  • Restoration and cleanup of sewage backups.

We also provide no-cost estimates on removing sewage.

What is A Sewage Backup?

A sewer backup happens when water cannot drain from your home because of obstruction or damage to your sewer system. The water then gets into the sewer line and eventually drains pipes that cause a sewer backup within your home. Being exposed to sewage backups is an extremely health risk and can cause severe home damage.

There are two main reasons for a sewage backup such as;

  • Blockage in the central sanitary sewerage
  • Jams to tree roots and damage.

There are several kinds of sewage damage and types of contaminated water, each having a different risk of severity. This includes:

Category 1: Clean Water

The name implies that the water appears clean. Water in category 1 is sourced from an approved source, such as a faucet leak or broken lines for water distribution. Additionally, the water of category one can represent a severe threat to health or a health risk to humans. You can get rid of it with vacuums, air movers, and dehumidifiers. Even if the water in category 1 is clean, it is essential to begin drying the process immediately to prevent mold growth.

Failure to treat category 1 water swiftly transforms into category 2 and then 3. based on the duration of time, the temperature, and the presence of contaminants.

Category 2 Gray Water (Toilet Overflow with Urine)

Category 2 water is the water that is dirty from dishwashers and washing machines. The water is polluted and can cause discomfort or diseases. Some examples of greywater are the dirty water from the water bed, and the toilet overflows with urine and aquariums. Category 1 water could become category 2 if it is not checked for at least 48 hours. If not limited, category 2 water can increase to category 3. Category 2 water can contain viruses and bacteria that can affect humans to an extent.

It is recommended to eliminate the carpets and padding that are affected as the organic material found in the gray water promotes the growth of mold when combined with the water.

Category 3 Blackwater (Toilet Overflow with Feces)

Category 3 water is derived from a toilet that has overflowed the feces of the bathroom, rising floodwaters, or a sewer line. It is classified as category three as it has harmful chemicals like fertilizers, organic materials such as animal feces, and sewage backup. The blackwater that is contaminated with toxins often causes severe disease or death if inhaled. Therefore, it is essential to avoid contact with this type of water to avoid any adverse reactions. Water contamination in Category 3 can be a severe issue that requires a professional contractor should address.

If untreated for 48 hours, Category two water rapidly transforms into Category three-related water. Furthermore, if untreated for a long time, the blackwater in category three becomes unpalatable and poses a significant health danger.

A reputable cleaning and restoration firm with specialized equipment can clean the three categories of contaminated water.

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