Family planning in McAllen: Getting advice on birth control methods

Getting advice on birth control methods
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Negosentro | Family planning in McAllen: Getting advice on birth control methods | If you are considering contraception, there are numerous options for birth control to choose from. When it comes to birth control, it is necessary to understand that there’s no one-option-for-all approach. Check online for clinics focusing on family planning in McAllen, and consult a gynecologist to know what may work best for your current and future goals. 

Common birth control options

The first type of birth control is barrier methods. A simple example of that would be a condom or a diaphragm. There are also short-acting hormone control methods, such as the NuvaRing (a vaginal ring). Depo-Provera is an injection in the same category that can prevent pregnancy for three months. These methods must be used periodically – either daily, monthly, or as needed. The third category is that of long-acting hormonal methods, which includes intrauterine devices. There are copper and hormonal intrauterine devices to choose from, and if you want to try a contraceptive implant, Nexplanon is an option that can last for three years. IUDs can last for as long as ten years and be removed when the patient wants to get pregnant. 

There is also the emergency contraception option, which is also called the morning pill. If you had unprotected sex by mistake, you could consider using a pill. Note that emergency contraceptive pills are meant for emergency use ONLY. 

Do you want kids in the future?

Before you discuss birth control with your doctor, you need to be sure of your goals. If you don’t wish to get pregnant again, you can consider permanent birth control, such as tubal ligation. Men can consider a vasectomy. 

Understanding how birth control works

Your doctor will explain what kind of birth control may work best for your situation and personal goals. A birth control method may prevent the sperm from reaching the egg, such as a condom, or damage the sperm. Contraceptive pills, on the other hand, prevent the egg from being released each month. Other birth control methods may thicken the cervical mucus so that the sperm doesn’t get in or alter the uterus lining. 

Talking to a doctor

No matter the type of contraception, you have to be consistent and follow your doctor’s instructions. Family planning is a lot about medical history too. For example, if you have certain medical conditions, your doctor may advise against delaying a pregnancy. Check online to find clinics for family planning near you!

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