10 Rights You’re Entitled to As an Employee

10 Rights You’re Entitled to As an Employee Location-Based Marketing: How to Use Location to Your Advantage 2020-Negosentro
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10 Rights You’re Entitled to As an Employee | Based on the latest national reports, an estimated 160 million people are part of America’s workforce at present. This figure is expected to surge during the years to come. Workers are employed in a range of businesses and industries, and their jobs vary greatly from one company or sector to the next. One thing remains universal among employees, though: they all have rights. Having said that, many aren’t aware of exactly what they’re entitled to as part of the nation’s workforce. Anyone who’s currently employed or hoping to be in the near future should understand the following rights all workers have. 

1) Compensation for Injuries

Workers have the right to seek medical care if they’re hurt on the job. They’re also entitled to receive compensation for injuries and medical expenses caused by unsafe working conditions, negligence, or other circumstances. If an employer is unwilling to provide that compensation, employees have the right to contact Workers Compensation Lawyers Near Me for help.

2) Safe Workplaces

Workers in the United States also have the right to safe and healthy workplaces. Employers must take reasonable action to make their companies and job sites safe for all employees per OSHA regulations. This applies to a long list of aspects, including the condition of the building employees are working in, machinery, and toxic substances.

3) Discrimination-Free Workplaces

Employees are also entitled to work in environments that are free of harassment and discrimination. Certain laws are in place to protect workers against those issues regardless of their gender, race, background, social status, and other circumstances. 

4) Accommodations for Disabilities

Per the Employees with Disabilities Act, employers must make attempts to accommodate workers with various types of disabilities. These measures can include installing wheelchair ramps, limiting workloads, and many others, depending on the type of disability. However, employers may be able to prove that making certain changes would be too costly to implement.

5) Fair Wages

By law, employers are required to pay their employees. Failing to do so, for any reason, is unacceptable. At the same time, employers must pay their employees minimum wage at the very least. 

6) Overtime Pay

For full-time, hourly employees, a standard workweek consists of 40 hours. Those employees are entitled to overtime pay if they exceed that number of hours. Overtime pay should be time and a half of the worker’s hourly pay rate. 

7) Privacy

In most cases, employees’ personal belongings are private property. Employers can’t randomly check workers’ briefcases, wallets, purses, pockets, lockers, and other belongings. Keep in mind, though, that restrictions apply here. If an employer has reason to believe a worker is stealing, sharing the company’s private information, using the internet at work for inappropriate purposes, or committing other infractions, laws are in place to protect the company as well.

8) Unpaid Leave

According to the Family Medical and Leave Act, workers have the right to request up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for illnesses or to take care of ailing family members. Employers can’t fire workers or take other actions for making this type of request.

9) Seeking Justice

If an employee’s rights have been violated, he or she can file a complaint or take further legal action if necessary. All employees are entitled to ensure their rights are upheld at work.

10) Protection from Retaliation

If a worker files a complaint or lawsuit against an employer who is violating his or her rights, the employer can’t take action against that worker. Employees are protected against retaliation from employers.

Making Sure Your Rights Are Upheld

These are some of the most important rights employees have in America. They’re also among the most commonly violated by employers. Anyone who believes any of these rights have been violated is entitled to try to make things right. Though seeking justice within the company is often the recommended first response, legal professionals are available to help when those measures are ineffective. 


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