Different COVID 19 Tests and How They are Different

Different COVID 19 Tests and How They are Different stem cell therapy the medical city

Negosentro | Different COVID 19 Tests and How They are Different | Thanks to discussions about Coronavirus since the onset of the pandemic, it is not surprising that you might be confused about the test to take and how they differ. One thing about the tests is that a COVID-19 diagnosis will determine if you have the infection. However, how instant you will get your results depends on the type of test and the iodization process. Thanks to GatherWell COVID Testing’s onsite laboratory services in Otsego, MN, you can walk in for the test and walk out knowing your status. 

How different is a Coronavirus Test from an Antibody Test?

Your healthcare provider will mainly perform a Coronavirus test or a diagnostic test when he is looking for signs of the virus in its active state. The test is fast and straightforward and will only notify you if you have the virus at the time of your testing. On the other hand, your doctor will use an antibody test to determine your past infection of the virus. The test will show if you are free of the virus or you are contagious. Not everyone who has SARS-CoV-2 knows he has it because you might have the virus and fail to show symptoms. However, your healthcare provider cannot use an antibody test to diagnose current infection because it takes approximately 3weeks after infection for your system to create antibodies.

Should testing positive for antibody testing worry you?

Testing positive with an antibody test does not necessarily mean that your results will confine you. You will not have any interruptions. For instance, you will continue with your everyday activities, including your work. However, your doctor will advise you to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones, including going for vaccination. Therefore:

  • Your doctor cannot use the test to determine whether you should return to school or work
  • You cannot use antibody test results to group individuals together in particular settings like schools or exempt an individual from screening
  • You should continue wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) based on your risk assessment for the work you do, even when you test positive for the SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.

What other tests can your doctor use to diagnose SARS-CoV-2?       

  • PCR test

Also referred to as a molecular test, your doctor, your healthcare provider will use the genetic test to detect the virus’ genetic material using a lab procedure (polymerase chain reaction). During the test, your lab technician will collect fluid samples using a nasal or throat swab. The duration of your results will depend on how soon your lab technician iodizes your sample. For instance, you will wait a few minutes for your results if the healthcare provider iodizes your sample onsite or longer in areas where the processing will delay because the technician has to send your sample to another lab for iodization.

  • Antigen

Your doctor will use the antigen test to test for particular proteins in the virus. During the test, your lab technician takes a sample with a swab and sends it to the lab for analysis, where you should expect to have your results in minutes.

Different COVID-19 tests detect the virus differently. Call your doctor to know the test to take to test for SARS-CoV-2. 

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