How to Create a Hot Website

w to Create a Hot Website 2020 - Negosentro
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Negosentro | How to Create a Hot Website |shared from The Qadabra Blog |

In a world that is arguably ruled by what people see online, if you’ve got a concept in mind for a new blog, website, or an online business, now’s the time to make it happen! But even if you’ve got the best idea in the world, it won’t go anywhere without a site that gets people talking.  Talk = Visitors, Visitors =Traffic and Traffic = Money.

“I publish, therefore I am?”


The phrase should really be:

“I publish, therefore I EARN.”

Want to stand out from the crowd when it comes to your website’s look and feel? Want to bring more people to your site? Follow Qadabra’s tips on creating a statement-making, game-changing website that will surely make your website new, fresh, and ahead of the curve.


Since it’s the first thing that the viewer sees when he comes to your website, the design is probably one of the most important aspects if not THE most important aspect of your site.  Make sure the look is simple, straightforward, clean, minimalist, and streamlined. If you want the concept to stand out, the design needs to stand out too.  Nothing overboard and no aggressive color combinations, especially with the content itself.

website design

REMEMBER! Balance is key. Make sure the page has a good array of content, photos, and advertisements, without appearing too unorganized or overbearing. Banners are important, but must be showcased in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the page or take away from site.

Qadabra managers are always on hand to give you the best recommendations for positioning your banners to accentuate your design.


Content that is rich in quality will always get people going to your site.  These days, content rules the world and rich content will always add value to the user and make your website stand out from the crowd. Make sure you are careful with the content – making it professional but relatable to your audience.  Keep users intrigued with unique content that stands out as much as your website itself

REMEMBER! The best sites with the highest quality content are the ones that have the the most engaged users


Just as important as content? The formulation of your website as the spokesperson for your brand.  In this digital age, your online presence via your website and social media is your brand. Your brand provides the concept and idea that gets people listening to you and what you have to say.  It is also the personality behind the service and value your website may provide.  Since your online brand defines your website, make sure you enhance it in every way possible including through a brand logo and via SEO so that it will show up in a high ranking on Google.

If you want to be one step ahead of the innovation curve and a destination for individuals while maintaining your own individuality as a leader in whatever you do, make sure your brand exemplifies this.

REMEMBER! Your voice, personality, and the concept of your brand speaks through your content and design so make sure you give your readers the statement-making first impression they’re looking for.

Well- placed advertising

Qadabra Infographic

Imagine an endless digital highway with visible display billboards placed everywhere, beckoning you to check out a myriad of destinations across the digital horizon.  This is what advertising can do for your website.  It can lead your viewers to other destinations that are great for them, which can in turn come back as a positive for you through revenue.

Traffic and impressions are essential to a website and advertisers are always looking for the sites that have that and more.  Besides creating value, promoting a service, or pushing a concept, websites can also be a way to make money.  This happens through well-place advertising.

What does well-placed advertising mean? Well, obviously it doesn’t mean crowding a page with too many banners or putting the wrong banners in the wrong place.  It’s not merely the main intersections governed by big publishers that attract an audience. Busy traffic is being generated across millions of smaller avenues that traverse cyberspace by longtail publishers.

Remember! Position is extremely important when putting ads on your website because you want the ads to serve their purpose without taking away from your site. Learn more about banner ads positioning.


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How To Create a Blog or WordPress Site Easily!

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