How to Pack a Wrinkle-free Suit for Business Travel


by Mimi Lombardo | via Travel&Leisure |

Q: I don’t want to schlep a garment bag on business trips. How should I pack a suit in my carry-on? —Bruce Saber, New York, N.Y.

A: Our six-step method, below, keeps creases at bay for a smooth arrival. To release any remaining rumples, use that old trick: hang the ensemble in the bathroom while showering—the steam will work wonders.

1. Hold the jacket facing away from you.

2. Turn one half of the jacket, including the sleeve, inside out.

3. Slip the right-side-out sleeve into the opposite armhole and pull all the way through.

4. Fold sleeve across, then insert a curled-up pair of briefs under the shoulder pads to protect their shape.

5. Lay the jacket flat and align the lapels and collar, keeping natural folds.

6. Roll the jacket around the bundle, then fold suit pants in half lengthwise and roll around jacket. Place in bag.

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