What Your Business is Worth [Infographic]


by SurePayroll |

There comes a time when all entrepreneurs look to see how much their business is worth if they were to sell.

Whether it is because they can no longer continue to run the business, are looking to start a new venture, or simply just want to cash in and get that big payday that is well over due. It doesn’t matter your reason for selling is, the number one question on your mind will be “How much can I get for my business?”

For those of you who want an easy way to get an approximate value on your business, you can use this infographic that was made by the professionals over at Valuator.com.au. It uses the statistics from over 7,000 business sales that were done in 2013 in the U.S., giving us insight on what certain types of businesses can sell for.

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SurePayroll provides online payroll services for small businesses across the nation. SurePayroll files and pays your taxes while you can focus on your business.
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