Strategy: Malaysia Airline pushes into branded content


by Rezwana Manjur |

Following a series of unfortunate ad scandals, Malaysia Airlines is taking another tack with its latest branded content move.

The airline has partnered up with hit TV show MasterChef contestant Poh Ling Yeow for a series of branded content.

The videos, which are shot in documentary style of a travel television show, are currently hosted on its YouTube site and follows Yeow as she walks the streets of KL. The videos are clearly targeted at Australian and New Zealanders visitors as it gives tips on travel and visa processes.

Of course, the videos run with little plugs on the benefits of taking MAS and having a stopover at KL.

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Yeow, who is is Malaysian by birth, grew up in Australia. Last year the airline also roped her in to create a signature dish for Malaysian Airlines. Her speciality, Nyonya chicken curry is currently being served on flights.


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