3 Data-Driven Questions that Effective Recruiters Ask Themselves


If a colleague walked over to you right now with a position they need to market and asked you for the most effective sources (as you had hired for that position previously) how confident would you be in your response?

Without recruitment data to guide your decisions, creating an effective recruitment marketing campaign can feel like a lot of guesswork. Many times, this is not caused by a lack of data, but instead by a disorganised hiring process and neglecting to analyse the results of the recruiter’s efforts.

If you’d like to become a data-driven recruiter, these are some questions you should be asking yourself in order to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy and improve your results.

“How much do I pay for each qualified interview when I advertise on this channel?”

If you are working with a tight budget to spend on recruitment marketing, then it’s likely that you are keenly aware of your total advertising spend up to that point. This is great information to keep track of, but the total amount will not provide you with much insight regarding what efforts are working and which are wasting money.

Calculating your cost per interview and cost per hire can help clarify how cost-efficient each of the recruitment advertising channels you use really are. If posting your jobs thorough a centralised system, then more data will become available over time as you and your team hire. To do this, simply divide the number of interviews scheduled by the total amount you’ve spent advertising on that channel for that position.

A common misconception about recruitment analytics is that startups and small businesses can’t derive  meaningful insight from the data because their hiring isn’t as frequent as it is in large corporations or agencies that advertise hundreds—if not, thousands—of positions every year. Whilst the frequency does increase the predictive value of analytics, some useful lessons can be learned from reviewing these ratios and data on an individual basis.

To leverage the value of both, you can post jobs through Qandidate.com which is free to use and will offer suggestions for advertising channels based on various factors of the job itself as well as data from over 100,000 recruitment campaigns.

“What percentage of applicants fit the initial criteria I’m looking for?”

Walking into work in the morning and seeing that 50 candidates applied to the job ad you posted the day before can feel assuring at first. After all, even if only 10 of those applications are qualified, that is still 10 more candidates you can speak with that you didn’t have information for beforehand.

But, what if you could increase that number to 20 or 30 without spending more than you did initially?

The way your job ad is written can have an immense impact on the quality and relevance of the candidates you are looking to attract. Is it tailored to the candidate’s unique interests and career goals or could the same ad be applied to other positions? Does the language appeal to candidates of all backgrounds, or could it be viewed as intimidating and exclude potential candidates?

Univite, a startup that was created to help employers take gender bias out of job postings aims to tackle the diversity issue in tech by highlighting masculine and feminine words.

As the image above illustrates, different words carry different connotations. If we invited you to “speak with a recruiter about joining our team,” would you have the same impression of our company culture as if we instructed you to “submit your CV for immediate consideration?”

Both calls to action aim toward the same goal, yet, the latter uses process-oriented terms (i.e. submit, CV, immediate) which can give candidates the impression that they will be just another cog in the machine. Adding to this often unintentional messaging is the word “consideration” which denotes high competition and screening. Although these are naturally a part of the recruitment process, sending this message across to candidates can turn otherwise interested talent away.

“How are other businesses attracting and engaging these candidates?

Try stepping outside of recruitment for a moment and look at how businesses in other industries speak to their audiences. Popular social media pages, influential industry blogs, and commerce businesses can be good places to draw inspiration from. Do you see any patterns in the language they use to target that demographic?

Large companies spend thousands, even millions, researching their key demographics and hiring copywriters whose job is to engage members in the target audience. Looking for patterns can be a useful way to benefit from their investment. Do you see recurring keywords or themes that you may not have considered when writing your job ad initially?

Competitor job postings can provide useful insight as well. Maybe they use a different title to advertise the position under that you could A/B test against your current one. Which job sites and social media platforms are they on? What is the call to action they give to candidates?

To record this recruitment marketing data without spending your time riffling through emails and application alerts, consider centralising your hiring process by utilising ATS technology that can do this work for you. Once the position is filled, you will then have nice and neat charts that will allow you to calculate these ratios and become a data-driven recruiter.

These systems can be costly and take more out a recruiter’s budget than the value they bring to the business, which is why our recruitment system’s free to use. You just focus on recruiting and hiring the talent you’re looking for. Let technology do the work when it comes to recording the data.


About the Author

Qandidate.com is a full blown recruitment system, providing you with all the information and tools you need to make your recruiting process effortless. It’s refreshingly easy. More than 10,000 companies have subscribed for Qandidate.com’s free recruitment system. Big companies, small companies, complex companies, international companies, in all shapes and sizes. Find out more by joining us for a demo of Qandidate.com in the coming days

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