5 Social Media Trends that can boost your sales


by Ana Margarita Olar |

Use these trends to increase your sales in social media:

Trend # 1 Social Media is the New Online Store

People hate to click away from Facebook and Twitter. Analytics suggests that social commerce will grow even bigger this year and the coming 2016. There are marketing analytic tools like SocialBro that can allow marketers to add “Buy” options on their social media advertisement quickly. Facebook, for example, is also working on multi-products ads to increase the E-commerce power of this platform.

It will help to create communications across different social media channels. Social media automation through Post Planner, Hootsuite, Buffer, SocialBro, Zapier, and other can help you to do the task.

Don’t forget that it is still about engagement. Always include helpful interaction and create a valuable post.

Trend # 2 Visual Content will attract more Audience

Pictures speak a thousand words; so as in social media. If you can observe, videos and pictures can be more engaging than plain text. It can also influence purchasing behavior. According to SEOmoz, videos and pictures can attract inbound links than plain texts; while, Simply Measured said that photos and videos on Facebook timelines can increase engagement by 65%.

Creating appealing graphics, images, videos, and infographics can make your marketing sharper before this year ends.

Planning for the right keywords can generate more engagement.

Trend # 3 Using Keyword is the Key

Using high conversion keywords can help you generate more engagement. Here are the keywords that you can use to increase the effectiveness of your posts:

Facebook –Inspire, Discount, Warns, Tell Us, Where, When, Submit, Deals,

Twitter – Help, Top, Follow, ReTweet, New Blog Post, Social Media, Check Out,

LinkedIn – Created, Researched, Improved, Increased, Developed, Reduced

Google+ – Increase, Create, Discover, Share, Promote

Trend # 4 Measuring and Amplifying top Content through Analytics

Measuring objectively using analytics is important to let you see what is working is what is not. You cannot rely on isolated and random posting. You need to find out what contents gain interests from your target audience and amplify it. You should also identify what channel gives you more content engagement.

Trend # 5 Creation of Content worth Sharing

Optimization will not count much if you share low-quality content. Remember that people today wanted to have share-worthy and like-worthy social media posts. This will require deeper research about your target market. In general, high actionable content written in an easy-to-read way is more attractive. Also check your headlines. Make it more innovative and attractive. You can review websites like BuzzFeed. Notice how they create headlines and contents with fun stories and pictures.

Boosting sales from social media requires twisting your posts and innovation on your business page. Use these social media trends to help your business increase in sales.

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