10 Best Ways of Removing Stains

Removing Stains

Negosentro.com | Life is messy. Stains can happen anytime, anywhere. Clothes, carpets, furniture, cups, and counters are all victimized by random acts of staining. Some stains come out easily by just gently rubbing it under cold water. Others require more persistence and effort. Here is a list of the 10 best ways of removing stains.

  1. Juice

First, dilute the stain by rinsing with cold water. Then pretreat with laundry detergent or cleaning fluid. Let the detergent soak in for twenty minutes before washing. Do not rinse off the laundry detergent or cleaning fluid. Wash on the garment’s normal cycle at the hottest temperature recommended for the fabric.


Let the mud dry and brush off as much as possible. Use a little water and detergent and rub in a circular motion on mud stains. Rinse and check the stain. If any of the stain remains, you can rub some white vinegar on it. Rinse, then use an enzyme detergent to wash.

  1. Grease

For a light stain, treat immediately with a laundry prewash detergent or laundry detergent booster. Wash the garment with the hottest water safe for the fabric. If the stain is heavy, place it face down on paper towels. Apply the cleaning fluid to the back of the stain. Make sure you replace the paper towels under stain frequently as the cleaning fluid soaks through. Let it dry, then rinse thoroughly. Wash the garment in the hottest water safe for the fabric.

  1. Blood

Soak the stain in cold water, then gently rub. If needed, use a stain remover product, and let it soak before washing. Hydrogen peroxide can also remove blood stains, but be sure to check it on the fabric first for any damage. When washing, use an enzyme detergent. If the stain still persists, try rewashing in a bleach safe for the fabric.

  1. Ink

Place a paper towel under the stain and spray liberally with hairspray. Let the hairspray soak in for several minutes then blot with a dry towel. Repeat the steps until the stain is gone.

  1. Sweat

Start by using a prewash stain remover product. Then wash in the hottest water recommended for the type of fabric being treated. To remove odors, you may need to use laundry detergent specifically designed to fight tough odors.

  1. Coffee and Tea Stains

For stains in cups, sprinkle a little baking soda into a cup. Add just enough water to form a paste. Scrub gently until the stain is gone. For clothing, first soak the stain in cold water. Then pretreat the stain with liquid laundry detergent. Wash garment in oxygen bleach. If the stain is older, try soaking it in an enzyme detergent before washing it.

  1. Countertop stains

To remove oil-based stains, create a paste from baking soda and water. For water-based stains use hydrogen peroxide instead of water. Once the baking soda paste is applied to the stain, cover it with plastic wrap. Tape down the edges and let it sit overnight. Gently rinse the paste off. If the stain remains, repeat the steps, leaving the paste on the stain for a longer period of time.

  1. Tile Floor Stains

Use a cleaner such as Crystal Clean Tile Cleaning formula. It will remove stains and it has a streak-free and spotless finish. This formula not only cleans dirt and grime, but it is PH balanced so it won’t damage your tile floor. No scrubbing or rinsing necessary.

  1. Tomato-based Stains

If possible, rinse under cold water immediately. Soak the stain in warm water. Do not rub the stain. Dab it with dishwashing detergent until it is gone.

Most stains can be removed with immediate attention. The longer a stain sits the harder it is to remove. It is important to remember to never put a stain through the dryer. This will set the stain permanently in your clothing. Whenever you use cleaning products on furniture be sure to test it in an obscure area. Stuff happens, so it is wise to have the above ten strategies ready to go for inevitable stains.

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