10 Quick B2B Marketing Ideas You Should Be Doing Online


Are you effectively leveraging the Internet for your business-to-business marketing? This article gives you ten ideas for B2B marketing on the Internet.

Tips for business-to-business marketing on the Web:

  1. Include a “tip of the Week” on your Web site to attract repeat visits.
  2. Have an offer button or banner on every page which visitors can click to request information, samples, newsletters, advertising specialties, etc.
  3. Allow visitors to request additional information in the format they prefer: via mail, download the file, send the file as an e-mail attachment, fax the information, etc.
  4. Be sure to keep file attachments to a maximum of 4 megabytes. This is the default maximum file size used by many companies.
  5. Make sure that your pages load quickly. The supposed rule is less than 7 seconds, but I think even that can be too long.
  6. Rather than send responders to your corporate Web site, where they may get lost looking for the information you are promoting, instead send them to a “jump site,” “landing page” or “micro site” containing information directly related to the product or service promoted.
  7. Use unique URLs or web addresses for each campaign, mailing or ad. This will allow you to credit the activity to the source.
  8. Use unique e-mail addresses for each campaign, mailing or ad. This will allow you to credit the activity to the source.
  9. Use the autoresponder features in your e-mail software to send an instant response to e-mail inquiries and orders. This is the same feature you use to tell people that you are out on vacation.
  10. Use your Web site as a place for responders to learn more about your seminars and workshops and to register for the events. Then use e-mail to confirm their registration and to send them maps to the venue.

The more of these proven techniques you can use, the better your results from your online business-to-business marketing programs will be.

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