11 Things That Will Make Your Team More Productive Than Ever

Make Your Team More Productive Than Ever This 2020-Negosentro

Negosentro|11 Things That Will Make Your Team More Productive Than Ever|Increasing productivity in the workplace is a key factor in maximizing profits and experiencing growth as a company. This is especially true for mid to large-sized companies where there are a lot of moving parts, departments and personnel.

It is important to take time to assess your company’s productivity with your team and strategize ways to enhance productivity that is appropriate for each department.

In order to help you get started, we have compiled a list of the top 11 things that will make you more productive than ever.

1. Proper Lighting

The correlation between light and efficiency is something that has been studied in depth over the years. Proper lighting not only increases safety in the workplace, but it can also have an incredible impact on mood and mental health. Glare-free well-lit workspaces allow employees to focus and have increased energy while reducing stress and anxiety. Having access to natural light in the workplace is even better.

2. Clean workspace

Having a clean workspace goes beyond an employee’s personal desk or cubical. Common areas such as hallways, restrooms, and break rooms should be well maintained. Clutter-free and clean spaces create a sense of peace and wellbeing. It also instills a level of respect for the workspace and reduces distraction and stress. Consider hiring a professional cleaning crew to clean every day after hours or even have them come a second time during the day to empty trash and tidy common areas if needed. You may also want to encourage employees to keep their personal areas tidy and organized as well.

3. Ergonomic set-ups

Repetitive actions such as typing while sitting at a computer all day can take a serious toll on the body and the mind. In order to promote the longevity of your workers at their maximum productivity level, it is important to have proper ergonomic-friendly workspaces. This includes quality ergonomic chairs, keyboards, and mice. Having computer monitors at the correct height also makes a big difference in reducing neck strain and headaches.

4. Realistic goals

Everyone can agree that setting goals helps you to succeed. However, when it comes to the workplace, it is important to make sure that the goals set by managers and department heads are realistic. Employees who are given goals that are nearly unattainable leads to increased anxiety and stress which actually works counterproductive towards reaching those goals. Set goals that are challenging but attainable.

5. Proper delegation

Nobody likes to work with somebody constantly looking over their shoulder or hovering. Nor do people like to be left with a huge pile of work without anybody to help out. In order to avoid both extremes, proper delegation is necessary. Assigning tasks to the proper people proportionately can instill trust among employees while helping them feel empowered and have a sense of accomplishment. When this happens, not only will tasks be completed more efficiently, but loyalty to the company increases as well.

6. Increase Efficiency

Efficiency and productivity go hand-in-hand. With increasing technology and fresh new minds flooding into the workplace, the standard methodology for getting things done can become out of date quickly. Don’t be afraid to listen to new ideas or implement new technologies to increase efficiency and adopt new methodologies.

7. Update your technology

This follows on the tail of the previous point. Technology is changing at an incredibly rapid rate. It is important to invest intelligently in new technology in order to stay at the cutting edge of your industry. New technology can greatly increase productivity. Education and training should also be updated frequently.

8. Improve workplace conditions

Workplace conditions are things such as temperature, ambiance, and sense of community. By ensuring that the temperature is maintained properly so that your employees are not distracted by being either too cold or too hot, you can increase productivity and focus. Ambiance can be lighting, but it can also be simple things such as placing motivational posters or pieces of artwork on the walls. This helps stave off boredom and create a more comfortable atmosphere for working.

9. Proper equipment

It is nearly impossible to work efficiently if you are constantly having to fight with the printer or the copy machine is in constant need of repair. Strategically monitoring and investing in new equipment when necessary and having maintenance that is done in a timely manner can go a long way towards increasing productivity in the workplace.

10. Invest in employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction goes beyond simply having happy workers. Employee satisfaction instills a drive to succeed, increased dedication, and a willingness to refer to friends and families to the company. This can increase productivity by a whopping 6.6%. Employee satisfaction can be increased by simple things such as avoiding a hard-nosed approach to employees and making them feel heard. You may also want to try other things such as telecommuting, providing benefits and perks, and allowing creativity.

11. Take breaks

Current labor laws have laid out specific requirements for giving employees breaks throughout the day. However, that often isn’t really enough. How many consecutive hours can a person truly concentrate and perform at their peak? By encouraging employees to take more frequent smaller breaks even just at their desk for 5 minutes to stretch, stand, or grab a coffee can go a long way in keeping their mind sharp and fresh for more time each day. In this modern age of technology, employees also appreciate small breaks in order to check their cell phones.

Final thoughts

When it comes to running your company and increasing productivity, don’t’ be afraid to innovate and try something new. Listen to your employees on all levels and find solutions that fit within your budget and are suitable for the type of workplace community you want to build. This way, you can enjoy the growth that increased productivity brings in a way that you can be proud of.

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