2 Easy Ways You Could Improve Your Site’s SEO Right Now

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Improve Your Site’s SEO

by Julianne Mercer, Negosentro.comWhile most often than not, it’s always better to work with specialists when it comes to SEO, there are some simple things that you can do as a site owner to improve your SEO efforts on your own. Sometimes, these changes can be done in only a few minutes and have a significant effect on your search rankings. In this article, we’re going to explore two simple ways you can improve your SEO.

Start Publishing Relevant Content

Content the lifeblood of search engines, and this isn’t going to change any time soon. Great content tailor-made for your audience will drive visitors to your site, increasing its visibility and authority within your niche.

When it comes to good content, you should focus on solid information first and foremost, as long as you understand what your users need and are able to deliver it to them. If you can’t come up with great content and feel stumped for ideas, look at what your competition is doing. This can be a great source of inspiration.

Also, when it comes time to think of keywords for your content, it’s always better to aim for a general “theme” instead of a fixed keyword phrase. This way, your article will flow more naturally and you’ll be able to insert keyword phrases naturally as you go. You should never sacrifice flow or quality for SEO.

Improve Your Site’s Performance

One of the major differences between old time SEO and current SEO is user experience. User experience did not matter at all in the earliest days of SEO, most likely because of technical limitations. But in this day and age, user experience is essential, and it will more than likely become more and more important in the future. One of the metrics Google uses to gauge user experience is bounce rate. Bounce rate is calculated by assessing how many visitors leave your site immediately after they land on it. A site with a very high bounce rate usually has a fundamental flaw that needs to be corrected.

One of these flaws is poor navigation. If your visitors are confused and simply happen to land on a page that is completely irrelevant to them and they can’t get their way to the good stuff, they will leave, simple as that. Another thing that repels visitors is poor site performance, especially loading speed. Doing something as simple as compressing images so that they load faster could significantly improve your site’s speed. Changing your CMS could also affect site performance. Some CMS’s are faster than others depending on which type of site you’re hosting. Hosting, of course, will also have a direct influence on site performance, so working with a poor host or the wrong hosting plans for your needs could hurt your rankings in the long run.

If you’re having trouble identifying what you’re doing wrong, you should work with a company like ClickIntelligence.com who can perform an audit for you. They will be able to tell exactly where your user experience suffers the most so you can make the proper corrections.


As you can see, improving your site’s SEO isn’t that difficult after all. It’s all about knowing what works and applying some common sense. If you simply follow the two tips in this article, you should be able to significantly improve your site’s performance and start seeing results.

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