3 Best WordPress Plugins for Your Websites or Blogs to Boost Performance

WordPress Plugins

Negosentro.com | Today, all business websites have blogs. You can develop a stellar blog with WordPress (WP) plugins. According to WP, 409 million people view more than 20.7 billion blog content each month. Now, that is a promising figure. You have a business and products or services to sell and will require a blog powered by WP so that your site is optimized for the users as well as for the search engines. People need to find your blog content and learn more about your product or service offering. Therefore, Create a WP website in easy steps and go ahead with your blogging business. Additionally, you can use SEO WP plugs to develop blogs for business, news, portfolio platforms, magazines, and whatnot. 

If you have knowledge about WP, you know that there are an abundance of plugins from WP as well as third-parties. These tools let visitors and website owners navigate web pages easily and conveniently. 

According to an article published on https://www.huffpost.com, WP has over 40,000 plugins. A few of them are free and many paid plugins. WordFence, for example, is nothing but a security tool or plug-in that adds additional layers of security to your blog website. The tool stops bots or hackers who are in prowl to damage your website and hack it to their benefit. 

You will find WP plugins for SEO and a few of them meant for specific reasons. Then, all of these tools boost your website’s online visibility, improving optimization. Integrate only those plugins you require for your business website or blog and not those that make your website slow and affect performance. Read on to learn more about three of these WP plugins for website or blog to improve performance and efficiency. 

  1. User registration 

The majority of bloggers add login or user registration option for the users to enhance interaction between the visitors, readers, and bloggers. When people are logged in, they have sufficient access to enhanced blog features compared to those people who did not register. The registered users also get notifications from their records in the blog itself or many times through emails. All these amazing options include the User Registration plug-in that has been developed to add user registration options to your business blog with a range of alluring designs and personalized tools. 

It is one of those WP plugins to make sign up super easy. Moreover, you can tweak the form fields using the drag and drop user interface or UI. Try this WP plug-in and you will benefit. 

Design numerous registration forms along with many columns support leveraging this WP plug-in. The tool is all set so that you can create the website forms sans any language obstacles. The email alert is the key essential feature of User Registration that is necessary for a registration form. 

The benefit of the plug-in is its auto-login feature when the registration is finished, saving some of the time. The other essential features are multiple design styles for the forms, display and hide label features in each field, admin approval after the registration process, and the easy admission to the WP dashboard based on the allocated roles or responsibilities. If you want to learn more about SEO and WP plug-in uses and benefits, visit sites such as Chicago SEO or similar ones. 

  1. Jetpack 

It is a tool used for effective blogging. It is also used for developing other websites like business, news, magazines, and sites with a minimalistic approach. 

Jetpack is also advantageous if you are looking to control multiple blog sites and keep track of, and monitor website data or statistics. Moreover, you can keep a tab on the data of numerous websites from single data. The WP plug-in also helps to optimize your blog images or photos so that your website enjoys enhanced bandwidth and the web pages load fast for your visitors. It helps in improving your site’s SEO because fast-loading pages will make your visitors happy as they can find the information without waiting for several minutes. Google rewards websites with good page load speed and ranks them higher in the search results. 

The key feature of this WP plug-in is fast mobile browsing experience with slow photo loading, powerful tools to personalize the design you are looking for. The plug-in also ensures security of your site such as spam filtering and shielding your blog against Brute Force attack. You will also get SEO tools for Google, Bing, Facebook, and WordPress.com.  

There are many perks of using Jetpack like is malware scanning, spam filtering, as well as brute force attack penetration, as already discussed. Therefore, if you would like to defend your website from unwanted threats or security breaches, then this plugin is what you need. With it, you are in a win-win situation when it comes to real-time backup, push notifications, and website downtime emails. You require all such top WP plugin features to make your site or blog safe.

  1. nRelate 

Showing informative and relevant blog posts is one of the foolproof ways to retain visitors on your blog so that they read the content. This way, they do not click away and your website does not take the hit due to high bounce rates. As far as nRelate is concerned, it is an extremely tailored WP plug-in for showing only the relevant posts to your targeted audience. 

Use the plug-in to personalize features like the number of posts to show the size of thumbnails, category inclusion or exclusion, relevancy level, and things like that. You also have an option to display blog posts from partner websites in your blog roll. The related and optional plugins are nRelate Flyout that show content in a tidy-looking flyout box format. 


There are numerous WP plugins to improve your website SEO and performance. These tools are a boon to those business owners who want to sell their products through a WP site. Then, install plugins in moderation because too many will slow down your website or blog, thus affecting performance. Choose plugins wisely and only those that you need for your website.

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