3 Key Ways to Engage Your Team More By Being a Better Manager

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Quentin Faraday, Negosentro |  When you’re busy running a small business, it’s important to find ways to use your time wisely and to get the most out of your team. As such, it’s important to not only surround yourself with the best people possible, but to also keep workers engaged, happy, motivated, and inspired so they are more committed and productive themselves, and you don’t have to regularly find and train new employees.

When it comes to having a low staff turnover rate and a team that’s “firing on all cylinders”, don’t forget that it’s not just about your workers; you must also look to the example you set and your management skills day to day. To help you create the most positive corporate culture you can, read on for three key ways you can be a better manager and engage your team today.

1. Keep Up to Date on Management Techniques and Best Practices

For starters, one of the best ways to improve your management skills is to remember there is always more to learn. The best leaders around the world, no matter the size of their team, are always people who are adaptable and flexible, and who don’t continue to do things a certain way just because that’s how it has been done in the past. New management techniques are developed all the time, after all, while HR best practices and trends continue to change over the years too.

In addition, rather than just using the one management style all the time, it’s important to keep in mind that different employees will respond to different approaches, depending on their personality, age, culture, background, and more. To adapt appropriately then, and not just continue to stick to the style of management you feel most comfortable with, it pays to have a clear understanding of various ways in which you can cater to a diverse team of employees.

A good way to get help with this is to participate in some advance management training. This could involve learning from qualified speakers; attending workshops and conferences; or even enrolling in an MBA online or on campus to really immerse yourself in management classes.

2. Acknowledge and Reward Employees

Next, don’t forget that most employees are going to be much more engaged if their efforts and results are acknowledged, and if they’re presented with some type of reward for their accomplishments on occasion. When you notice how hard your team works and how effective they are, this encourages them to continue to be committed to their jobs, projects, and the company.

When it comes to recognizing workers, there are many different ways you can go about it. For starters though, don’t negate the benefits of a simple, personal, heartfelt thank you. This zero-cost option can be in person, via a handwritten note or an email, on a Skype call, and so on. The more direct and personal you can make this interaction though, the better.

You might also like to thank employees for their efforts in a public way. For example, mention top staff members in your organization’s newsletter or social media pages, or even at a company get together. Handing out awards can also be good. This can be done in a regular, structured way, such as through an ‘Employee of the Month’ set up or the like, or you can just bestow awards at any time when you think it’s suitable.

Rewarding your team with perks and gifts can also work well. For instance, you could provide workers with free meals in the office, discounted or free gym memberships or massages, better parking spaces, or bonus time off. As for presents, this depends on your budget but could include bottles of wine, hampers, chocolates, flowers, movie vouchers, gift certificates to restaurants and cinemas, pre-loaded debit cards and other gift cards, trips away, or small bonuses.

3. Make Use of Technology

Lastly, it’s also wise to remember that technology can be your friend when it comes to managing a workforce these days. You can use apps, software, and other programs (most of which are free or low-cost) to alleviate common frustrations for your staff members, conduct performance reviews and training, and to communicate, collaborate, and exchange feedback.

Many tools make it quicker and easier for employees to do their jobs, which means they don’t have to get so stressed or burdened with time-consuming and/or energy-sapping tasks; plus, technological tools can always make it simpler for you to stay on top of your team’s performance, training, goals, and career progression. This will help employees to feel they’re not just stuck in limbo in their job, but are actually taking steps to learn, develop and get to where they want to be as time goes by.

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