30 Top Questions and Answers for Salesforce Interviews

Why IQ Option Is So Popular in Philippines The Different Pros and Cons of Investing in Real Estate How to Avoid Costly Mistakes When Buying Property Having a successful business involves careful planning and following through on practices to keep revenues up. Every successful business needs adequate cash flow to take care of everyday needs like payroll and supply purchasing. Cash is also essential to have on hand for unexpected expenses and investment opportunities. Having adequate cash flow helps make your business more fluid and adaptable so you can get through any hard times that may come your way. Factoring Invoices One way that you can improve your cash flow is by factoring invoices. The process of factoring invoices involves selling off any overdue invoices to a third party. This can save you time and money since you don't have to track down customers who were overdue and have not paid their bills. When you factor your invoices you get paid much sooner, usually within 24 hours of selling. Eligibility for invoice factoring is not dependent on your credit score and history, so you can qualify for this program even if you have some financial mistakes in your past. Another great part about this process is that there is no contract or minimums. You can choose to sell off all of your invoices on a regular basis, or it can be done on a case by case basis. Sell as many or as few invoices as you like as well. Factoring invoices can get cash into your hands quickly when you need it the most. Offer Bundles and Discounts If you want to entice customers to purchase your products and increase your cash flow, then you should consider offering bundles and discounts. Bundles are a great idea for when you have several services or products that are similar or complement one another. Group these services and offer a reduced rate for buying all of them at once. These kinds of deals will draw in more customers. Bundles and discounts are a great way to advertise and to get the word out about your business to new customers. Everyone likes a good deal, and people will be more willing to buy from you when they believe they are being treated well. Regular discounts and other incentives also keep your existing customers loyal and prepared to give you their repeat business. Line of Credit and Credit Cards Another way that you can increase your cash flow is through a line of credit or credit cards. These options need to be considered carefully so you don't get in over your head and create a financial burden for yourself later on. A line of credit is a set amount given through a bank or other lending institution and comes with an interest rate. Once approved for the credit, you will have access to the agreed upon amount at any time. You can withdraw funds for any purpose you need, whenever you need it. You will pay interest on any money that you take out, so only use the funds that you need. Any amount that you still have in the bank towards the credit line that you have not yet touched will not be charged interest. Credit cards can be a useful way to make some purchases and free up cash for other uses as long as you utilize them smartly. Many credit cards offer a zero percent interest rate for the first year. If you're considering this option, then look around and pick one that has a low interest rate. Some even offer further benefits like cash back on certain purchases. Do your best to pay your balance in full each month to avoid accumulating interest and racking up a larger bill. This also keeps the full amount of credit available to you in case of an emergency. Keeping the cash flowing to your business requires careful organization and planning. You need to be vigilant in how you record all of your expenses and income that you receive. Don't over spend on risky ventures; at least not until your business is established and you have excess cash that is not vital for other needs. Having cash readily available for your business can help you to invest in new avenues and grow your business in exciting new directions. If you pay attention to what you are doing, and make informed decisions, you can ensure that your business continues to operate successfully and wicash flow Invest your Money Rental Property 7 things to look for in good property to invest property appraisal sales
Source: pexels.com

Michael Warne, Negosentro |  Today’s era is all about customers’ satisfaction and relation. When we talk about CRM, the name of Salesforce has succeeded to leave its presence. This cloud-based platform is reinventing the way to attain utmost customer satisfaction and hassle-free execution.

Seeing the high-leveled viability of Salesforce, there is a rise in the necessity of Salesforce professional. The good news is – one can get the proficiency in this particular trait by doing a Salesforce Certification Training from a reputed institute. Professionals such as IT Managers and Product Managers can become a certified by going through a Salesforce Training.

It is our rundown of 30 Top Questions and Answers for Salesforce Interviews. Read it before appearing an interview or Salesforce Certification exam and to make it through.

Salesforce Developer Interview Questions



  • What does a Salesforce Developer do with Apttus?

Apttus, the leading Quote-to-Cash software is a buzzword these days. Salesforce developers basically use it like a consulting group when there is a need to build an integrated solution while the arduous task of developing a CPQ flow system is on. The entire workflow is highly complicated and business specific as well and Apttus helps to make it more austere.

  1.    What do you mean by Salesforce Lightning?

Salesforce Lightning or commonly known as LEX It is a recently launched next-gen user interface tool of Salesforce. Designed to proffer advanced productivity and user experience, this tool helps us to build applications promptly and accurately.  

  1.    What functions can you do with Salesforce Lightning?

Well, a lot. We can flawlessly get the data access from outside source. Alongside, we can fetch data from inherence system like Microsoft and Oracle.

  1.    What is the recent edition of Salesforce Lightning?

Salesforce lighting recently got a makeover under the tag name “Winter 17 Release”. New features like Locker Service, Inspector and CLI have been added to this new version.  

  1.    What is the difference between a VisualForce component and a lightning component in Salesforce?

There is a huge difference that can be understood from the surface itself. First one is VisualForce components are purely page-centric while Lightning components are client-centric. The second one is In Visualforce most of the work is done on the server while Lightning goes easily with your mobile as well.

  1.    In Salesforce Lightning, how the components got structured?

We build the components of Salesforce Lighting is “Bundles”. Now, the bundle has two components:

  1.    An app
  2.    The Lightning controller
  1.    How the controller in the Salesforce Lightning works?

The modus operandi of Salesforce Lighting is far different from the components. It is highly client-side-centric and will pull the data rather than pushing the data.

  1.    How does Salesforce Visualforce work internally?

Well, Visualforce takes the assistance of HTML while working internally. Whatever we write in Visualforce has an HTML counterpart.

  1.    What is the recent Salesforce API version?

Salesforce API 40 is the latest version that is now available to assist us at various levels.

  1.    What are recent additions in 40 version of Salesforce?

Salesforce API 40 has added various features. Some of them can be sated as the addition of Lightning Experience Migration Assistance, removal of Stay-in-Touch feature; we can manage the contacts by using a split view for a console app, display of all notes in a personal account and so on.

Salesforce Administrator interview Question

  1.     What do you mean by Self-Relationship in Salesforce?

It is that look-up relationship that allows end-users to get hold of the object “Merchandise” and generate relationships with further objects.

  1.     Elucidate Object Relationship Summary.

Object relationship summary is the tools via which you can bracket together with the standard and custom objects accounts. It can be linked in numerous ways as per the need of the customer.

  1.    What types of reports you can make in Salesforce?

Well, Salesforce gives us an opportunity to make reports in 4 different types Tabular Report

  •    Matrix Report
  •    Summary Report
  •    Joined Report.
  1.    What are the components of a Salesforce Dashboard?

The components of a Salesforce can be stated as:

  •    Chart
  •    Gauge
  •    Metric
  •    Table
  •    Visualforce Page
  •    Custom S
  1. 1    How is SaaS helpful to Salesforce?

This subscription-based service grants the ability to renew or not to continue the program at any point in time to a customer without paying a single penny as a penalty. It also cut down the hefty set-up fees and investments.

  1.    How can you track the sales in Salesforce?

Salesforce keeps a track of our sales by:

  •    Keeping a record of daily-served customers.
  •    Recording regular sales volume.
  •    Offering detailed sales report.
  •    Keeping an eye on the customer activity
  1.     How many types of object relations exist in Salesforce?

There are three types of object relations in Salesforce that can be stated as:

  1.    Master-Detail Relationship
  2.    Lookup Relationship
  3.    Junction Relationship
  4.    In how many templates you can create your email in Salesforce?

You can create an email with 4 templates:

  1.    Text.
  2.    HTML with letterhead
  3.    Visualforce
  4.    Custom HTML
  5.    What is the basic difference between 15 and 18 digit record ID?

15-digits ID is case sensitive and on the other hand, 18-digits ID is case insensitive.

  1.    Which fields can be indexed automatically in Salesforce?

The following field can be automated:

  •    Primary keys which include Id, Name and Owner fields.
  •    Audit dates like SystemModStamp).
  •    Custom fields
  •    Foreign keys used to lookup or master-detail relationship fields.

Salesforce App builder interview Questions

  1.    What is Salesforce DX?

It is most influential tools that affect the entire development lifecycle. It gives the App builder an opportunity to manage the source and app development process.

  1.    What are the numerous ways of deployment in Salesforce?

Deployment in Salesforce can be done by Eclipse IDE, Change set, ANT, and Workbench.

  1.    What are the different varieties of Salesforce API?

Salesforce API’s are as vast as cosmos is. Its major APIs can be stated as Chatter REST API, REST API, BULK API, SOAP API, METADATA API, Tooling API and Streaming API.

  1.    How database. insert and insert are different from each other?

Though they both perform the same operation of inserting records, they are different from each other. With database.insert, we can perform rollback, default assignment rules etc with more flexibility.Another difference is that at the time of error in insert the entire execution will stop and Apex code will display an error while database.insert keep on working at the time of error as well.

  1.    What do you mean by System.runAs()?

The term is very familiar for any Salesforce App builder. It is a system method that allows us to write test method which is used to change user contexts.

  1.    What is Salesforce Einstein?

It is the AI for CRM Salesforce. It effortlessly deploys the aid of AI into your existing workflows.

  1.    Which API is used in Salesforce Einstein?

Salesforce Einstein uses REST API in Apex and Heroku.

  1.    How to get IP Address of User in Apex?

String ipAddress = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get(‘X-Salesforce-SIP’);

  1. How Chatter API is different from Connect API in Salesforce.

Chatter API is a REST API that shows Salesforce data, chiefly in mobile applications. on the other hand, Connect API offers apex classes access to data available in Chatter REST API.

  1. How can you avoid mixed dml exception in Salesforce test class?

It can be done by using command: “Test.startTest()” and “Test.stopTest()”.

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