5 Exciting Team-Building Ideas for Australian Companies

team building events team-building-australia

Frederich Cabrete, Negosentro | Having an office full of employees who enjoy working together is always going to be a huge plus for your company. However, you can’t just sit in your office and expect everyone to get along. Instead, what you need to do is invest time and money into building a strong team. And one of the best ways to do this is to organize team building activities for your employees. A country like Australia has plenty to offer when it comes to team building activities. So, no matter if you’re based in Sydney or Melbourne, make sure you check out these 5 exciting team building ideas for Australian companies.

Recording short movies

One of the most popular team-building activities among companies all over the world is recording short movies. What you need to do is provide your employees with filming equipment and give them time to make their movie. The reason why this activity has is such a great option is the fact that it keeps everyone involved as some of your employees will have to act while others will work behind the camera.

Why is this activity perfect for Australia-based companies? Well, there are so many amazing spots in Australia your employees can film at. Organize your activity in a place such as Centennial Park if you’re based in Sydney or Roma Street Parkland if you’re based in Brisbane and your employees will be guaranteed to end up with tons of beautiful shots.

Visiting escape rooms

When it comes to the new takes on team-building, escape rooms are something you simply can’t go wrong with. These are specially designed to have all of your employees work together in order to find their way out. On top of that there are plenty of obstacles along the way that require teamwork in order to be dealt with. More and more types of escape rooms are emerging and people all over the world now have a chance to experience breaking out of a jail or escaping from a submarine.

Just like the rest of the world, Australia is full of interesting escape rooms you can take your employees to. For example, if your company is based in Sydney, visiting places such as PaniQ Room and Mission Room Escape is a real no-brainer. Business owners from Adelaide can think about signing their employees up for the Escape Hunt Experience.

Giving water sports a go

Water sports are another great idea for team-building. There are so many water sports you and your employees can try out such as kayaking. Water sports tend to be quite fun and your employees are guaranteed to have a great time while improving their teamwork skills. But the reason why you might want to consider going for water sports is the fact that your employees will get a chance to work together in a totally different environment from what they’re used to.

And there’s no need for us to say that Australia is a just the perfect country for water sports. Manly beach is absolutely full of spots where you can give water sports a go and you don’t even need a plan in order to make your team-building activity successful. Just hit the beach and you’ll be guaranteed to find a water sport to try out.

Holding a race

A race is another classic team-building activity that’s guaranteed to do the trick. Basically, what you have to do is divide your employees into two teams and have them race and overcome obstacles while doing so. There’s a reason why this fun activity has been used for increasing teamwork and we definitely recommend that you give it a go.

Taking your employees to a local park and holding your race there is always a good idea. Just make sure you create checkpoints and provide both teams with maps. If you want to try something different you can take them to another city. For example, you can rent a Sydney to Canberra bus and hold your race in the capital city. This can be a great opportunity both for team-building and sightseeing.


For years, business owners have been taking their employees paintballing and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t do the same. Paintball is fun and it promotes teamwork just as much as you need it to. Moreover, paintball can help your employees relieve stress as they’ll get a chance to forget about all of those to-do lists and focus on playing the game. Paintball can also help you identify which of your team members is a natural-born leader and maybe deserves a role with more responsibility.

Australia is full of 5-star paintball fields and you shouldn’t have any trouble figuring out where to take your employees. Check out the local paintball fields and take your employees there for the first few times. After that, you can consider making a field trip out of this and take your employees to a paintball field in another city.


Australia is full of places that are absolutely perfect for team-building activities. The 5 ideas we mentioned above are just some of the options you can go for. All it takes is some effort and creativity, and you should be able to hold a team-building activity your employees will love.

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