5 Great Jobs with Affordable Qualifications

Great Jobs fintech-jobs-2018 High-Paying Jobs
Image: Pexels.com

Career changes are becoming increasingly common as more members of the workforce adapt to technological changes, enjoy the job market of a strong economy, and follow their passions. Not every career change warrants a trip back to college, and not everyone who wants to make a change can afford it.

You don’t have to spend 4 years going back to school to change careers. These are 5 fast, affordable career moves you can make.

#1 Truck Driver

The supply chain industry is facing a chronic shortage. Supply chain refers to a number of professions, including warehouse workers and managers, couriers, shipping, and more. One quick way you can change careers and start earning a lot more money is qualifying to become a truck driver and meet the demands of a growing industry.

Thanks to a chronic shortage of truck drivers, the industry is suffering from a truck capacity shortage. The median salary for drivers who work for a private fleet (such as a large corporation like Walmart) is $73,000 a year, though the median for all drivers is $40,000.

#2 Real Estate Agent

Real estate is one of the most affordable new careers you can enter. If you want to know how to get your real estate license, visit an online real estate license school like RealEstateU. They offer low-cost, online real estate license courses in multiple states.

Becoming a real estate agent gives you the chance to become an independent entrepreneur. Real estate agents typically work independently, though earning your license can also open up several other career paths, including property management, real estate appraisal, and real estate analysis.

One of the best things about real estate is that there is no upward limit on your income. As a commission-based independent professional, the only limits to your income is how fast and how large you can grow your business. The most successful real estate agents can expand by hiring agents to work for them, starting a referral business, or moving into luxury real estate.

If real estate sounds right for you, find a 75 hour real estate course near you and get your license fast.

#3 Financial Planner

Once you’ve already gone to college, going back for your career rarely sounds appealing. Most financial planners earn a bachelor’s degree and then study to become a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) or CFP (Certified Financial Planner). These exams let you work as a financial planner, help clients resolve tax issues, and research investments.

#4 Social Media Specialist

Do you spend hours on Twitter and Instagram every day? Are you an amateur YouTuber? Demand for social media specialists can help you turn your impressive number of followers into a paying career. More and more companies need social media strategies to engage online audiences, promote products, and find low-cost marketing channels.

#5 Dental Assistant

Dental assistant jobs are set to grow 19% by 2026 and the qualifications don’t require going back to school. Many states require dental assistants get a license, but it’s much easier and more affordable than a return to college.

Changing careers doesn’t have to be expensive. You can earn more money and do something you really love with a bit of investment today. Explore your options and get moving.

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