5 Juices that Fight Diminishing Brain Function


by Julianne Mercer, Negosentro.com |

Does memory loss have to be something we “just have to live with” as we age? Should we be resigned to repeating ourselves, forgetting acquaintances’ names, needing written reminders about appointments or necessary medicines? Simply, the answer is no, and we don’t have to take prescription medicines to keep our minds sharp as we age. All you need to do is swap your coffee for a juice! Natural ingredients in five delicious juices can help fight memory loss especially in elderly people.

Grape Juice for Young and Old

Let’s begin with grape juice. It is tasty and healthy, a favorite of all age groups. Concord (purple) grapes especially contain polyphenol – an antioxidant that fights free radicals, cancer cells, reduces inflammation and promotes brain health. Polyphenols give berries and other fruits their color and play a part in the flavor of a berry. In contrast, while Niagara grapes contain their own unique polyphenols, but both white grapes and Concord grapes are known to have a positive influence on brain health. Not only does grape juice aid those without a diagnosis of memory loss, but it also has been shown to positively affect memory in adults with early dementia. This proves it is never too late to add this juice to your diet in order to keep your mind sharp.

Pretty, Protective Pomegranate

Pomegranate is also packed with polyphenols. In the case of pomegranate juice, these polyphenols are neuroprotective, meaning these antioxidants protect nerve cells against damage, degeneration, and functional impairment. Pomegranates are antioxidant rich; a mere eight ounces a day significantly improves both verbal and visual memory. Although tasty on its own, pomegranate juice can be added to smoothies so you can enjoy the benefits of this juice on the go.

Better Brain Function with Berries

Any type of berry juice is great for reducing memory loss. Blackberry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry – all contain flavonoids that stave off decreased memory. Flavonoids are another type of antioxidant. Like polyphenols, the also repair damaged cells. The most prominent flavonoid in berry juice is anthocyanin, but this juice also contains other flavonoids that boost brain function. Drinking any type of berry juice is a tasty way to fight memory loss.

Spinach to the Rescue

Not only do fruit juices fight declining brain function, one particular vegetable is known to fight memory loss: spinach. Its juice is chock full of antioxidants. Several smoothie recipes incorporate spinach juice, so even if spinach juice is not a particular favorite, you can still reap the benefits of this brain-enriching juice. You can find a variety of smoothie recipes on the Prevention website.

An Apple a Day Fights Dementia

Rounding out the brain-boosting fruit juices is apple juice. Yes, regular apple juice actually has brain function benefits! Apple juice contains carotene, an antioxidant that reduces memory loss in the elderly. That’s right – even beginning a routine of drinking apple juice as an older person can help fight decreased brain function! Carotene often converts to Vitamin A within our systems. Some studies found that individuals with high levels of carotene were at a lower risk for dementia. For maximum benefit, combine apple juice with foods rich in vitamin C.

With so many tasty juices to choose from, if declining memory function is a concern, both younger adults and older adults can find a juice that fights memory loss. These juices can be enjoyed in smoothies or on their own. Older adults need not resign themselves to senility! No matter what juice is your particular favorite, you can be sure to find a damage-fighting, cell-repairing treat!

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