5 reasons why you should invest in a leather jacket


Erica Silva, Negosentro |  Leather jackets are a statement fashion apparel every wardrobe is incomplete without. And after just recently investing in a very stylish leather jacket, I’m here to make a serious case for why leather jackets are a fashion essential.

If the soft, buttery feel of the leather does not give you the goosebumps every time you caress it – then I don’t know what will. There’s that, but, there is also the fact that we’re basically in a weird trans-seasonal part of the year when you can’t decide if you need to wear a sweater to work or not because the weather just can’t make up its mind.

Well, going out without a jacket won’t be one of the wisest things to do this season but wearing a coat falls under the category of being a little bit “too” overcautious with the weather.

So, to put all your spring outfits together like a charm, I’d suggest you invested in a leather jacket to keep the cold at bay in the chicest way possible, while the weather figures itself out. Out of all the materials in which jackets are made, leather is arguably the best all-around choice. You can style your jacket with whatever you want.

A good leather jacket may break the bank a little bit, but it’s totally worth the investment. In fact, they are suitable for all seasons.

Here are five undeniable reasons why you need to invest in a leather jacket:


  • A leather jacket will never age:


Leather jackets may come in different shapes and sizes, but they’re a timeless classic. You’ve seen everybody from the cast of the Breakfast Club to the Vampire Diaries wear it. Its simple styling is what makes a biker style leather jacket truly the most trusted style in a leather jacket.

Here’s a little piece of advice, even if you’re just investing in 3 leather jackets in your entire life, I’d suggest you go for a classic biker shape jacket. The style will never fade, and it will last you a lifetime.

The minimalistic approach of traditional sleeves, zippered pockets, lapels incorporated with the well-loved biker shape are a must have for your wardrobe. Coat shapes aren’t permanent – they come and go, but classically tailored leather jackets are here to stay. You will definitely not regret the investment.


  • Leather jackets are the perfect transitional piece:


Summer isn’t quite here to stay yet, but it’s almost on the horizon. Leather jackets are the perfect transitional piece when you need to keep warm. Believe me, its the most trustworthy thing you can find to keep yourself warm, rather than a long coat. Because let’s face it, it’s not really long coat season anymore.

So when the chill starts to creep into the air, reach out for your leather jacket. It’s a staple wardrobe piece that doesn’t need to work too hard, and nothing you do will make it less. These are just a few of the reasons why labeling a leather jacket as a “timeless classic” won’t ever be an injustice to the realm of fashion.


  • Leather jackets add the cool girl edge to any outfit:


For decades, leather jackets have been associated with rock and roll royalty and an off-duty model style. No other jacket goes well with skinny black jeans other than a leather jacket, and I’m saying this for a fact. I recently on a denim decluttering spree and the one pair of skinny jeans I just couldn’t throw out in the process was my pair of skinny black jeans. They are much like a leather jacket – timeless!

A lot of people will probably agree with me on this one that whenever you’re stuck for an everyday look, you automatically go back to skinny black jeans with a cute t-shirt and a leather jacket. No combo does it better than this.

If there’s one thing you’ll see on repeat in fashion weeks is a leather jacket. It’s a wardrobe piece that doesn’t need putting in too much effort to look good.


  • A leather jacket is perfect for a nighttime look:


Has it ever happened to you that you put together an amazingly glamorous outfit for a girl’s night out and the realization strikes you that you don’t own a coat that would work to complete the look? And you’re just like “why does this always happen to me?”

Have no fear and invest in a leather jacket to save yourself from all the last minute “I’m getting late for the party” drama. I’m that person who goes through every coat in my cupboard but eventually ends up leaving with a leather jacket on because it’s that essential! When the weather gets too warm for a coat, you’ll regret not having a leather jacket in your wardrobe.


  • A leather jacket feels great to wear:


Comfort over everything else! That’s the mantra most fashion mavens have been preaching for decades. Owning and wearing a leather jacket has the ultimate feel-good factor associated with it.

Ask anybody what their most prized clothing possession is, and without any second thoughts, most will say the trusty leather. That’s probably because investing in a leather jacket costs a fortune which makes it their most prized possession but also because the luxurious and soft feel of a leather jacket immediately gives you that poise after putting it on. A leather jacket is the ultimate chic outerwear.

ABOUT Erica Silva

Erica Silva is a blogger who loves to discover and explore the world around her. She writes on everything from marketing to technology, science and brain health. She enjoys sharing her discoveries and experiences with readers and believes her blogs can make the world a better place.

Find her on Twitter: @ericadsilva1

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