5 Things to Avoid When Developing a Digital Marketing Campaign

IT Digital Marketing Campaign

Perhaps you’ll agree when I say that developing a successful digital marketing campaign strategy is difficult.

Of course, you wanna make sure that every buck is spent wisely, and that you are getting the right messages across to the right people. There are countless blogs and articles out there telling you what you SHOULD do, but to help you out, we have a few handy tips here on the things that you need to AVOID when developing a digital marketing strategy.

1. Targeting Everyone

If you are trying to speak to everyone, then you’re going to miss everyone.

Never burn through your budget with those ill-positioned ads online. Think about what you want to say and how you’re going to say it. You need to be switched on to who you want to speak to, where they hang out, and what they want from your brand. Impressions are irrelevant when the people who are passively viewing your brand aren’t actively engaging with it. Remember that leads are the metric you need to focus on here.

2. Using all the Social Platforms

To be available on all platforms is different from being available on the right platform.

As we already mentioned above, you don’t want to get onto every single social media channel and waste your time and energy creating content for a hundred different posts if that is not where your audience is. It is crucial that you understand where your audience hangs out and then you reach to them there. Sure, it’s great to get exposure, but if your audience is on Instagram then guess what? That’s where you should be, too. Think about your brand, think about the effort, and the time it takes to build what you want to say, and then use your time wisely.

3. Not Split Testing

As per an article from JSMM-VBM Digital Marketing in Kansas, “Marketing professionals need a clear picture when it comes to understanding their goals, objectives, prospects and then balance these initiatives among social media, SEO and digital media.”

The thing is that you cannot be 100% on what your audience is going to love. What you need to do is test and test again! Try a new color, a new layout or a new image. Try a new button or CTA, and examine the details you’re putting out there. And knowing what your audience seems to like, then you can update your campaign accordingly.

4. Focusing on likes alone

So you got a hundred likes? Now what?

Do those hundred likes of yours REALLY get you conversions? You can never get hung up on likes because it’s all about engagement.  Split testing and appropriate targeting to get the best results are still the keys to successful digital marketing.

5. Failing to Have a Concrete Plan

If you aren’t planning for your digital marketing efforts and don’t have a strategy in place, how on earth would you expect to get results? You must consider all of the possible ways in which you can succeed and then implement them through a concentrated digital marketing plan.

Wrapping Up

Did you find any of these surprising?

It’s not rocket science, is it?

And yet, it’s always the case that people will go into a digital marketing campaign without split testing in place, or without a proper plan, or by trying to reach too many people. Don’t be one of the ones who fail with their digital marketing! Get your game to the next level and implement these tips today.

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