5 Ways To De-stress After A Restless Day

5 Ways To De-stress After A Restless Day
Image source: Pexels.com

Negosentro | 5 Ways To De-stress After A Restless Day | We face times when exams, deadlines, health problems, and personal issues cause tension and shoot our stress levels upwards. Even being stuck in traffic after a hectic day at the office can be irritating. There’s nothing more reassuring than reaching your home after a tiring day at work and stretching your legs on the sofa. Yet, binge-watching your favorite web series or sitting in front of the TV might not be enough to relax your body and mind after they have taken a beating throughout the day. Here, we discuss five easy tips to de-stress your body and mind after a hectic day. 

1. Eat Seafood With Your Favorite Wine

Besides exercise and soothing music, having a selective diet at the end of a tiring day can relax your nerves significantly. Apart from providing nutrition, seafood delicacies like Alaskan salmon, cod, Maine lobster, Shrimp, and Tuna can help beat stress. Seafood contains compounds like zinc, magnesium, and selenium that help improve mood. Many seafood varieties contain omega-3 fatty acids that promote the release of calming hormones. 

However, seafood coupled with the choicest Viognier wine can make you feel even lighter and happier. Alcohol, especially wine, passively calms the mind with its sedating properties. Resveratrol, a compound found in wine, blocks enzymes responsible for generating stress and anxiety. Drinking a glass of wine with a complimenting seafood dish is enough to make you calm and send you into a deep slumber. But remember, overconsumption of alcohol can disturb your sleep and make you agitated.    

2. Take A Cold Shower5 Ways To De-stress After A Restless Day

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Have you ever felt better after going for a cold shower? Well, it is not a coincidence because science has proven that cold showers can enhance blood circulation, lower your body temperature, and boost fresh blood flow. Cold showers keep your blood pressure in check, thereby keeping anxiety away. 

Another reason why cold showers calm you down is that they increase the endorphins, also known as feel-good hormones, in your body. Endorphins address the symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can develop as a result of daily stress. Cold showers also help in lowering the stress-inducing cortisol hormone in the body. 

A cold-water shower provides a pleasant escape to take your focus temporarily off the issues causing worry or fear in you. The time you spend in the shower brings you a momentary joy, making you forget the past events of the day and worries of the future. 

3. Spend Time With Friends And Family 

It is a common fact that social bondings play a big role in our psychological well-being. Spending time with your dear ones after a troubling day at work can make you forget the day’s toils and rejuvenate your body and mind with fresh energy. Studies suggest that having regular social and familial support dissolves the effects of stress and resists severe conditions like chronic anxiety. 

Socializing with your pals addresses your stress issues after long hours of work. According to science, it also promotes heart health and makes you mentally sharper. However, all these benefits apply when you are in physical contact with each other and not through social media. So even if you could spend a couple of hours at the end of each day with your loved ones, it can significantly lighten up your mind and make your mental state robust for future challenges.   

4. Get Closer To Nature5 Ways To De-stress After A Restless Day

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Strolling in your garden or a local park surrounded by greenery after a busy day can be surprisingly satisfying. Spending time amidst trees and shrubs can improve your memory, reduce stress hormones, improve blood pressure, and address feelings of anxiety or depression. When you are in the abundance of nature, your mind tends to focus on the views around you, making you forget all the stressful memories of the day. 

Interestingly, you can begin to calm your mind with the help of natural views even before you reach home. Watching the sunset on your journey back home is an excellent way to get your mind away from the traffic delays, congested transports, and physical fatigue. If your office is close to your residence, it is always a great idea to walk back home so that you can enjoy the fresh air and natural environment along your way. 

5. Try Meditation

You do not always need to escape to solitary environments or arrange a meet-up to regain your composure after a frantic day. Meditating for half an hour before retiring to bed is all it takes to re-energize your mind and shred off depressing thoughts. Meditation techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, visualization, and yoga can activate the natural relaxation process in your body for combating stress. 5 Ways To De-stress After A Restless Day

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Therefore, the next time you feel stressed after a long day at work, sit with a straight back and begin breathing in through your nostrils and breathe out through your mouth. Even this simple exercise will make your muscles relaxed and calm your mind. When you become patient enough, try complex yoga poses that would further enhance your overall well-being. 

Final Words  

Most people fall on the couch or dip into social media to escape daily stress. However, a bit more effort is needed to fight work-related stress effectively. The tips above will help you do so in an uncomplicated and painless manner. 

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